Where is Addie Jenne Russell, D-Theresa, newly minted Assembly member in the 118th Assembly district?
Two appearances by the Governor in her district in as many days and she is a no show both times. Albany is only a three hour drive she should be able to be in here district and Albany in the same day, it is part of the job and it involves a great deal of time on the road. It is not sufficient for her out of district staff to be at these events, other legislators made appearances, she has no excuses.
Unfair post - I doubt she has an "excuse" as you feel it necessary she must have -- but I suspect, but do not know for sure whether or not she has a good reason for her "no-show."
I imagine she will explain later to everyone's satisfaction...
~ dmf
If Cantwell ran a better campaign, you wouldn't be stuck with her.
I agree with Dan's comment..... I went to meet Congressman Israel on Saturday. I arrived a little late and asked around if Addie had been there. I was told she was but had to leave to fly back to Albany. From what I could gather, she was juggling the Nat.Grid investigation, HEAP news realease, organizing her new office, while getting herself and family ready for her official seating on monday. Sounds like she is all business to me and I am sure the Guv, gave her a note to be excused
...and yes Jacob,
Had Bobby run a better campaign
AND if he HAD MORE political experience..... Don't get me wrong, he has potential, Bobby was simply not ready for prime time politics....
Cummings -that is your opinion about Cantwell(isn't Bobby Cantwell married to your wifes neice-nice family supporter aren't you), Your obviously and "addie lover" making up all those excuses for her. What do you know? You need to go back and bother that town where you live.
Or did they kick you out!!
Your friend ANON
You all are making excuses up for addie, not hard to tell your agendas. Keep running damage control for her she sure needs it the way she is starting off.
You all are making excuses up for addie, not hard to tell your agendas. Keep running damage control for her she sure needs it the way she is starting off.
What newly elected person would not make sure they were available for the gouvenor's visit to their district in the first month of their term. Not a very good priority pick. Does this indicate what is ahead.
We may be doomed!
Where the hell was she? Not even a posting about it on her web site.
Sounds very irresposible to me.
Can I change my vote?
It's only a three hour drive, 200miles, 10 gal gas, $20 each way. Why in the world is she flying? What is that costing the taxpayers?
jc aka pq, if she was all business she would have been in Watertown to meet greet and support her Guv.
BS-all business
Danny, she should have explained before rather than later. That would be more satisfying or understanding.
Quit making excuses!
Loco Boy 9:12 (I mean local boy)--- I'm not making excuses and never will - go back and read my post...
I hate to see a thread stop with an unlucky 13 comments!
To my Friend Anon,
I had both Bobbby and Addie links on my blog and even had both of their signs on my front lawn. I was unsure who to vote for. Bobby made a promise to come and speak to me....he never did, then his campaign turned negative. Addie on the other hand made time for me and others in our community. I made a choice to back her then and I will stand behind her now and in the future. Voting for someone cause they are a relative or a good $hit is not the way to make an educated decision.
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