It is a sad day for the people of Fulton and surrounding area in Oswego County. The hospital administrator announced just a short time ago the hospital will close soon. According to a source, the fate of the facility even as a diagnostic and treatment facility is even uncertain at this point in time. The facility will go from employing 300 people to only 100.
Pall Times
The facility was used as a political pawn in the 48th District Senate race last fall and touted as campaign rhetoric by Senator Aubertine, but he was not there today for the bad news.
Say what you will, but Jim Wright told you like it was, no fluff, no b.s. he was straight up with people. You knew where an issue stood. Unfortunately, the trait currently does not exist in our state elected representatives.
Aubertine owes the people of this community an apology. He should have been more candid and forthright with them instead of using their situation as political material.
Jack Smith, Who Led Prosecutions of Trump, Resigns
44 minutes ago
So where is Darrell no! One Oswego area employee who was off heard it on the street...
The insside word is they may not open as diagnostic center as the debt load is so high...Look for a Lee Memorial auction (?)
Good post IV, Jim Wright understood the Berger Comm. "Lock box" set up, and told the people straight up! Aubertine lied, and used the issue to get elected.
Election '10 motto: "Remember Lee Memorial!!!"
The JefCo board blog boy is trolling his own site again.
I don't think anyone understands. Aubertine said he saved the hospital. He didn't. He lied. Do you know how many people believed him and didn't look for another job? Do you know that Dennis Casey put up Auberine posters all over the hospial during the campaign?
Remember those hundreds of hospital jobs Aubertine said he saved? They sure weren't at Lee Memorial. How would you like to work there and believe him to find out today the job you've had for 16years is gone. And where is he now? No one has heard a peep out of him since the election.
Don't go trying to defend him. I work at the hospital. I know what he told us. Don't pretend that you do. I wish the owner of this website would post all those campaign flyers about the hospital that he put out when he wanted our votes.
He's a farmer alright. Knee deep in his own cow dong.
Darrel Aubertine needs to be held accountable to the people up in Fulton. He owes an explanation for those ads. Thanks for posting the videos. What a reminder that DA isn't one of us.
Cows don't have "dong", bulls do. Both cow and bulls have dung, however. Perhaps you have confused dung with dong which proves you don't know sh#t. And you don't work at the hospital either. You are just another troll.
Farmer Brown
If Darrel has dong or dung on that farm he must have borrowed it because he sold all the cows years ago. He's a "retired" farmer.
Why did you not accept my post, PIV?
I guess nobody works at the hospital anymore.
Watch the video!!! He said he worked tirelesly to save hundreds of jobs at Lee Mem.
Ding, dong, dung. What's the difference. It's all shit.
I never said anything about Darrel owning any cows or bulls. It goes goes to show you don't know english, either.
Darrell can't tell straw from hay.
"Farmer Brown" questions annoymous #3's legits as a Fulton employee....poor taste, --guess what "Farmer Brown" many of those 300 laid off can actually turn a computer on.
Which boiler room are you working out of in NYC?
And "Oswego Democrat" crying about not getting a post up----how rich! their site won't allow posts---true to their typical brown-shirt tactics.
That site is all polyanna about the news, nothing there about the hospital.
I was asking why he did not put the post up.
I checked and everything you have sent has been posted.
Darrell could have got the dung/dong from the place he got the store bought straw he was thowing in the ads last year.
Hey Oswego Dem: you all are pretty quiet over there on the HUD scandal brewing in OZ. COuld it be too many of your allies have lead based paint under their fingernails?
It was there. You are a lier. I got the ping. And, not so smart anon. There are thousands of OswegoDem If you don't believe me, ask Dave Renzi. The Senator will be here for awhile. Get used to it. G'night boys.
Excuse me, but it was not Darrel that CLOSED Lee. Lee was closed as a result of the Berger report, which was commissioned during the Pataki administration. The report was developed and released during the tenure of Jim Wright.
Darrel, along with the administration of the Hospital, sought several solutions to the proposed closing, including administrative, and legislative solutions. There was previously an attempt at a merger with Oswego. The closing of Lee has evolved over a very long period of time. They are now down to 67 beds.
The facility will be converted to a diagnostic facility, to continue to serve the health needs of the people of Fulton.
The fate of Lee is not unlike many other small town hospitals in NY, including Alexandria Bay, and other nearby (unnamed) small town facilities.
yeah, you got the "ping" all right oswego Dem.....and the pong!
Good night Bill
You had duplicate posts on another thread, might that be the post you are missing?
I have posted everything you sent contrary to what you think.
Don't worry about it IV. He can't spell liar. Maybe he got mixed up with what site he posted on.
I hope somebody is going to ask Darrel about this hospital closure. What's he got to say now????
I hope somebody is going to ask Darrel about this hospital closure. What's he got to say now????
Hospital workers and neighbors have been calling Darrel for two days and he's hiding. No comments. No answers.
Hospital workers have been calling Darrel for 2 months and no call back and no comment. Ask any Lee nurse.
I am a democrat who will be the first to tell you that I have become totally unimpressed with Mr. Aubertine. I still believe that you the editor are full of BS. That you are biased towards republican's but on this issue, Darrell blew his own horn. Be careful Darrell this one may bite you in the ass. Further, I know someone who worked very hard for you in the past, that you will not give the time of day for nor will you return his call. Be careful come next election time, this person may start a movement that will unseat you.
How many hospital workers called Darrel's office? How many wrote letters to his office. Where are your links to your documentation.? Send copies and records to PIV. Let him publish them. Never happen.
Darrel kicked your butt PIV and you will be lucky to win another elections in Watertown.
Hey IV, I think its time to re-run the WDT editorial after the election, remind everyone of what the times editor said about Darrell....
"Hey IV, I think its time to re-run the WDT editorial after the election, remind everyone of what the times editor said about Darrell..."
Are you too stupid to link to it yourself?
This is the same editor that pardoned that crook Renzi.
Let me help:
The Watertown Times said Darrel "is an honorable politician who has demonstrated he cannot match wits with his party colleagues who are intent on gutting many of the institutions we depend upon (e.g. Lee Memorial and Mercy Hospitals?)."
Even more damning was the Ogdensburg Journal, which said Darrel, while likeable, was "remarkably ineffective."
This Lee incident proves the point yet again.
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