Busy holiday season ahead, time to priortize and utitlize a little time management here, besides the same issues will be facing us in January. The Democrats in the state senate will not have resolved the budget fiasco, the county will still be debating - wind or no wind, Obama will still be spending our money like a drunken' sailor.
Have a good holiday season and enjoy.
Wow...I guess Santa is real...I told him "All I want for Christmas this year is for IV to stop posting." and poof...
In the great debate about wind or no wind, I hope the County Legislators realize how much the Golden Crescent and the St. Lawrence River valley have to lose as they see the area transformed into a giant factory complete with moving parts, strange noises and flashing red lights.
Property values and land values in the Golden Crescent and the St. Lawrence River Valley will plummet. Sales and the ability to get financing has already been affected if you live near a planned wind factory. Construction of new homes will come to a halt in those high assessment and high tax areas that our Town coffers have always relied on to keep Town employees going in the winter.
I hope the county legislators will be wise enough to demand enough money from the foreign wind developers to at least keep the County even after they see a large part of our county drop 30% of its value.
RW: You know the old expression? "Crap in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one fills fastest." That applies here...
The legislators are know to basically go against the tide of public opinion, against the grain, and against good common sense... they are built that way (stubborn, narrow-minded, close-minded, vision-less and very partisan (hell, why not - they dominate the board)...
They will approve the Wind tunnel bill and give the PILOT...
It helps create jobs and provide business incentives to come here... even if that means from Sweden and vice versa.
Unlike 9:47, who appears to have a problem with himself, we join together in wishing PIV and family a great Christmas and holiday season. Thanks for an enjoyable year of give and take.
Rwiley, isn't Darrel a big support of wind mills? And why not let the towns instead of the county decide whether or not to have windmills? I happen to think they're nice to look at. This doom and gloom rhetoric never pans out.
Yeah, Dannie will be off PIV, but we still have to read him in the paper, if you choose to waste money on that rag. Today he did another "Fox News" thing.
"Hey Wiley, will the value of the lake go down 30%?"
As a person involved in real estate sales, I assure you that just the mention of turbines in the Lake will cause the value of homes on the Lake Shore to become less attractive and yes, the "value of the Lake" will go down 30% or even more for those with the best views of the towers and flashing lights at night. The appraisers are already showing us reductions and the banks are already requiring more down to protect their investments against the certainty of the loss of value.
Yup, it's simple math, Dannie. But drivel like yours is one reason the paper sells like it does. Not much interest anymore. They need to encourage some new blood to write in. The same old just won't cut it.
What was it you said? Fox News, Right Wing, Talk Radio, Fox, Fox. There, I reprinted it for those who missed it.
8:10 - FYI - whatever I get from the "taxpayers" as you chide me about has been earned, and BTW: I am also a taxpayer ... and in my lifetime, I have paid plenty.
I'm very, very happy for everything the taxpayers have given you, Dannie. I'm sure you're one of the best government workers, ever. And I fully understand why you are a great believer in more and more of that which loves you most, government.
9:09 - okay, fair enough. Take government out of the picture and what do "We, the People" have?
Zip, nada, nil, nothing, zero, not a damn thing... please grow up and face reality.
With the current fisal mess and ecomonic near melt-down, where would we be w/o government help?
I do NOT like government's undue interference ... but government is us, and if they are the enemy as you always say, then "We have met the enemy and they are us."
Dannie, I have no idea why I like you, but I do. So here we go. I even like Kermit, when he dares to show himself. But this last post is so typical of what you are about. Unfortunately, it is what so many people are all about. And your views are what has brought our nation to it's current point of decay.
You say without government we have "zilch, nada, nothing...not a damn thing". Dan, I think you're nuts. I don't not agree. I believe the fundamental greatness of this country has nothing to do with its government, but with the people. Our greatness, a word that Libs like you are hesitant to use very often, lies in our belief in the power of the individual, not in the power or creativity of government. We fundamentally disagree on that.
You ask where we would be in our current fiscal mess and economic meltdown without government. I say we wouldn't BE in our current economic mess and meltdown without government. You look at it as the saviour, I look at it as the cause. Again, we fundamentally disagree.
You say you don't like governments undue interference. I'm glad to hear that. I have my doubts, but let's agree to agree. We have reached a point where government taxation and intrusion has reached a breaking point. There are so many examples of government encouraging people NOT to work, and not to achieve, it makes no sense to argue anymore. When I was young, I used to work a few hours of overtime. As a government employee you may not be familiar with the concept. Now, only a fool would work overtime, as you lose all of it in taxes. Millions of individuals don't work, don't care to better themselves, because it makes no sense. Others will pay for them. Have a beer. In this part of the world, almost everyone who is making it is doing so because they are either employed by government, schools, or some kind non profit. That ain't the way it's supposed to be. But we love it. Like you say, where would we be without government? In many ways, you're right.
So we have to turn this around. And I don't ever hear specifics from you when it comes to entitlements. Yeah, you do the business grants thing which all populists do, but that's about it. And you're right on that. But everything else is spend spend spend. It can't go on Dan, or your free stuff just ain't gonna flow anymore, whether you think you're entitled or not.
As a Republican racist I read with interest Sen Reid's comments about how my party opposed the ending of slavery and fought giving women the right to vote. That's funny, I thought my party was the leader in those changes, and your party was resistant to progress.
I guess I'll have to reread the history books. They have obviously been rewritten since I went to school. But rewriting history is a skill mastered by people like you, Danford, so no surprise there.
6:32 - I also have no idea why you "like" me - LOL ... it much be catching?
But, what you post makes sense except this part - which is way off base:
"And your views are what has brought our nation to it's current point of decay.
Views from anyone did not get us to the brink before Bush got the first $700 billion passed and then Obama got the seocnd $787 billion passed... we were on the edge of total economic/fiscal failure. It was the policies of the past - not views of people.
But, when political philosophy and ideology turn into policy (like: sustained tax breaks/ cuts/ off-shore hiding, or whatever else we choose to call tricle down for the upper crust to help the bottom rung - which they never do - and govern over all others at the bottom) then disaster will follow and in 2007-2008 it also consumed us.
But, stick to that by-line... it may take hold some day, but not likely.
Dannie, I too find in ironic that someone with such a title as MARINE WINGS would be a contributor to the decay of our once great nation. I certainly don't mind explaining the connection to you.
Dan, there was a time when we citizens had very different values than we have today. We were motivated on a personal level. If we wanted stuff, we worked harder. Now we file a lawsuit. You know about that ploy. If you can get some money from a deep pocket government agency, say, a school, we file suit. And they settle out of court. It's an easy way to make some money. You know about this, don't you Dannie? I getting off topic.
In today's world, we look for government for all solutions. And fools like you throw up, I mean throw out the red herring of taxes. It isn't about taxes, it is about looking for government solutions rather than working as an individual to better oneself. Guys like you never think of that. It's all about a program.
Dan, I gotta ask you. You're obviously scared to exist without government intrusion in all aspects of your life. You get it all, and you want it all. My question is, have you always been this way? Has anyone in your family had a private sector job? I mean one where if ya didn't make it you went out of business. Where you didn't get free healthcare and no questions asked time off and kid care and everything you've obviously grown "entitled" to? From listening to you, I get the idea that you have never stood on your own and you have always been afraid.
I'm here for ya. I got lots of time off as I, like you, am a government employee. We can keep this going as long as you want.
You call yourself SuperWings, or GoldenFlyBoy or whatever title it is at present, then you wonder why people think you're a silver spoon boy? I don't understand the confusion. But then again you're the guy who has offered to advise elected officials in your spare time. Ego without end.
Simply put Dan, we have to learn to live without government assistance/intrusion/guidance, whatever you wish to call it. The reason is we have ceased to be what made us the great country we were. People like you have successfully taught a generation that the first place to look when trouble arises is to the almighty government. Millions of us now are afraid, like you, to stand on their own. They automatically assume if they have an issue, it must be caused by some sort of unfairness, which can only be addressed by government intervention. For all your military blather, you're a follower who has been scared for years and years. You say, with some reason I'll admit, that I draw conclusions about you that may be unfair and inaccurate. OK. As you say, fair enough. But please Sir, respectully. Address one question. If you have all this government experience you claim to have, and I have no reason to doubt you, you must have an appreciate for the costs and limitations of government. You know the relationship between government and liberty, how one can threaten the other. Do you think that folks who believe as I do are all crazy for thinking as we do? I/we see unchecked government in every aspect of our lives. I/we see people like you who have no problem with unchecked growth in government power and programs. It's a fair question, Dan, and it is presented in good faith. Do you think we're nuts?
As things are going, more and more people, especially young people, have no problem with unchecked government growth. Media supports this movement. Unless there are fundamental changes, you and yours will win, and win big in the coming years. People with my beliefs will be swept aside. America loves government, because they believe they are getting other people's stuff at a discount.
There are worse things...Addie Russell may be coming down the chimney and serving up a holiday feast of failed liberal social engineering! I'm disappointed PIV went off line before the babbling bafooness held her Jefferson County "no holds barred" town hall.
We can talk about AJR if you want, and I don't disagree. But these dishonest pols are just shoveling what we the people want. It gets to a point where we can't blame them, we have to hold ourselves responsible. Dan's mentality has won out. Let's get stuff, and let's get that stuff from someone else, ie: government.
At this point most everybody is getting on the train. Our pols are just giving us what we want. Shame on us. Individual initiative and responsibility are not fashionable concepts these days, and they die more and more as time passes. This is not what made this country great. And this is not what individual freedom is all about.
7:14 - if our government, and yes, government is us, goes unchecked, then we all need to glance in the nearest mirror to see the cause and effect (or affect).
I do not like and have said before many times, government that is intrusive, or overbearing, or rule and regulation top heavy; and especially I do not like to see gimmicks and use of things like budgets or “pork” used to sustain anyone in power that has an impact on our daily lives.
While I worked in government (as a servant of the public) I was a pain in the ass for many around me because I asked questions, didn't no for an answer all the time, didn’t necessarily take things at face value, and I challenged "the so-called conventional wisdom" that I found unconventional from my life's experiences ... and I had lots of blow back from higher up's ... but in my mind and in more cases than I can count ... I was basically right, and many above me and with me, said so – I may not agree with you, but you are right.
This may sound a bit arrogant, and maybe it is, but I knew the rules and when I saw things out of whack, I made it known that I didn't like it and wouldn't tolerate it.
I do not mean being disrespectful, or nasty or aloof; I mean staying focused on what needs to be done the right way and not the easy or popular way. Maybe that helps explain some things about me?
There is not much point in me continuing an argument with you about what is in your heart, Mr Francis. You're really the only one who knows. We will, if you want, let that part of the discussion go for now. Think about that the next time you call an entire political party racist. Determining what is in other people's hearts is,, not smart.
I appreciate all your verbage about your concerns for unlimited government intrusion into our lives. I also recognize lip service when I see it. But that's not important. Point is, if we as a nation keep going in the direction we are going, keep borrowing at the rate we are, keep looking to the government for all answers, keep providing disincentives for hard work, keep rewarding negative behavior, keep putting partisanship over the good of the nation, continue to shovel money to a broken and corrupt education system, continue to provide fewer choices to our kids while claiming to look out for them, blame ourselves for every problem in the world and charge the solution to the working class, create classes of people who have their own healthcare, retirement system and don't have to participate with what others tolerate (ya know, special folks like teacher's and government employees), and worst of all, teach our young people that giving up their freedoms, however slowly and "reeeesonably" is acceptable, then we are done. We may be done already. It won't affect me, as I'm old enough to ease on out. So are you. But don't you feel just a little bit sad that you're giving your kids just a small piece of the freedoms and opportunities that were given to you, Dan? Don't you regret it just a little bit? While you're yelling at GWBush and Cheney and Reagan and Fox News and calling for more and more taxes, have you ever thought of someone besides yourself?
But then again, you're pretty well set up. I guess I am too, so who cares. Obviously not the most folks, who love this change that we can believe in.
Today's USA TODAY reports an "explosion" in the number of federal civil servants who's salary has risen to six digits since the recession began.
It's always nice to know our government is sacrificing along with the simple folk. And I'm so gratified to know they are there for us. If we hire enough of them, and pay them enough, I just know they will come up with solutions to allllll our problems.
the management term for your style is "unmanageable," so kicking the ant's nest often got you where you are. If you told them off at BML in August, I am not surprised you came in last.
2:10 - you are flat out wrong: I have never, ever called for more taxes, higher taxes, or anything of the sort ... if anything, I have and will continue to call for less spending, waste and abuse and insider money that keeps clever, shrewd and silver-tongued pols in office. They are culprits ... a lot like you are with your total and incomplete misunderstanding of and about me.
To the 5:25 Dan. A different animal than some of the other Dans we're heard from.
You are the one who is completely nuts. You, Dan, consistantly call for more government spending on all levels. You love government spending. You love every cause there is. I have never, every heard you be specific about any cut in government spending. All you ever do is ridicule those who do. That, and run your mouth endlessly about Fox News.
Earth the Dan. When you do so. When you love each and every spending issue there is, you are calling for more taxes. There is no other way. When you call for more spending, you are advocating more taxes. It's simple. I'm won't say you do so for your own special interests. I don't know that. But you can't have it both ways. That is why people like you have contributed to the decline of a nation that once was thriving, full of freedom and opportunity. Now, we have people like you. Those who flat out lie and spread information. It is diffult to stomach liars. That is one of the problems I have always had with you.
"If none of us can truthfully and honestly criticize ourselves, then we are in no position to accept criticism from others." — Dan Francis
really now, what does this have to do with the issues we face? It's just another way of saying that if Mr Francis doesn't think he is criticizable, the rest of us shouldn't think so either.
We in the North love BIG govt. no doubt about it, From the state of NY providing money to developers on various buildings in the area, to providing tax credits and PILOTS for projects that would be built anyway. We love the idea that say a Former Senator is running DANC, after providing years of funding various not-for-profits, NCCC,NOW, various in kind services provided by the network of small ineffective govt's. that continue to exsist based on "member items."
You're absolutely right, 9:40. And what makes it so sad is not the fact that we do this, it's how we can look at our kids and tell them how we are looking out for them. We're addicted to government programs that makes our schools and our agencies and our civil servants fat, then we tell our kids we love them.
We're all a bunch of lying sacks of sh#t. But I got mine. Dannie has his. Happy Days for as long as it lasts. Screw your kids.
9:43 - simply put even for a simpleton like you, it means: "If you can't take it, don't dish it out."
You are rather thin-skinned - I on the other hand am not. I take a lot crap at this forum and other places - some probably deserved, but most is misplaced in my view.
Most of it does not bother me. That's why like my little pic - "I stand pat" - I play the hand I've been dealt.
Dan, our image of you has been crafted by your own mouth. It's doubtful that links to some sites will influence what we've already heard right from the horse himself. You're the smartest guy about government, we're racist fools. If we challenge you, we're threatened. You're the first to jump to profanity. And you live off the system you love so much. You're not partisan, but when push comes to shove everything you say is. You also claim to be open minded, but your biggest headache is Fox News, who dares tell things a little differently than your chosen little mouthpieces, the ones that comfortably bend over for your Great One.
So what is it, we're supposed to go to a website to see what you're really like? I think I hear enough from you all year long to get a good idea. You never apologize for anything, you call radio shows to hear yourself talk, and you write the paper as often as they will accept a letter. All because you have an unstoppable ego. Carry on, my General of Silver Wings Dada or whatever you're calling yourself today.
I have more integrity and honor in my little finger than you have in your entire body, Anonymous 6:42.
I will not lower myself to your level and disgrace myself by falsely admitting to you that which you want me to admit which is flat-out false: I have never called anyone at this trough a racist.
And I will not dignify your persistence in trying to somehow force me into saying I did ...
Finally, I will no longer discuss this with you or any other Anonymous posters who spew that same BS line.
Reveal yourself and discuss and debate issues on solid principle and then perhaps we might agree to disagree on some things. But not like this.
Oh Danford, you get more pathetic as time passes. We live in an age where one can scream and pout and kick their heels and most are impressed. I'm not. Give it up. Your words have appeared in print. Now you could say someone else used your name without your permission. You could apologize. But crying that the words weren't said is a little foolish.
You've moaned at length about your desire for me to join you putting my face out there. Dan, you're the one with the ego for that crap. And you're the one who made that decision for yourself. It's one of the reasons I can't for the life of me figure out your reasons for your willingness to use profanity and threats, but that's your game, and your decision. Everyone here that I know of chooses to post anonymously, except you. Instead of throwing a temper tantrum about it, you might want to ask yourself why that is. But you won't, you'll just scream and stamp your feet. As a military man, don't you think it's time for a change in tactics?
"various in kind services provided by the network of small ineffective govt's. that continue to exsist based on "member items."
9:40 AM said that, and the hammer met the nail squarely. A lot of the problems are created by small ineffective gov'ts that can't plan for the future, that reward friendships at voting time, and that haven't got the foresight to make progress.
Dan, give up your Sandbox General role for these holidays, please.
Everything is working just fine for me, General Dannie. That's why I'm politely suggesting change. My feet are getting sore from kicking your butt all year long. This is getting boring.
But you seem to like it. Maybe you don't get enough thrashing at home. You certainly get it here. And every time you run for some political office.
Why don't you try changing the subject? Do you have any interests besides politics? There has to be more to you than just screaming.
Speaking of abuses of the system, (This seems to be getting bigger) The JCIDA is now handing out pension credits to all the economic development agencies, wonder how many of these we need, and what they do? It'd be nice to see these consolidate and be more efficient, Seems odd??? Ask the "Donald".
That is not the same as passing laws that apply to some and not others. The health care bill is dishonest, illegal, unconstitutional, and a testiment to how pathetic and corrupt our system has become. I'm not speaking of the bill in general. I disagree with it, but to grant bribes to some to secure their votes is a situation I have never seen before. How can we expect people to respect any law when our leaders are violating the basic tenets of all we believe it, or at least believed in in the past? Has it come to this?
6:26... keep putting the same kind of people in office, keeping them there - and excpecting different solution? Ain't gonna happen...
That's why we need to shut off the money, open up the process and change our ways of electing our government ... otherwise, the system we say we want will never change.
You say shut off the money, and I couldn't agree more, Dan. But every time the subject of more money comes up for these criminals, you always support it. The only way they get money is through taxes and spending. You always like taxes and spending. I'm with ya, but I don't understand ya.
You say shut off the money, and I couldn't agree more, Dan. But every time the subject of more money comes up for these criminals, you always support it. The only way they get money is through taxes and spending. You always like taxes and spending. I'm with ya, but I don't understand ya.
In the same spirit that we were trained to hate GWBush, let us now rant and rave about how the terrorist (or possibly misunderstood youth) was allowed to get on the plane in the first place. Three years ago this would have been yet another example of an idiot president. Today, it's just another example of how screwed up the world is and how our prez is doin' his best. I kind of think the latter was true in both cases. But let's not dodge an opportunity to spew hatred.
The money I address is not taxes or revenues or such... I mean campaign money into the Pols coffers, pockets and PACs... those leadership PACs - money in, money out ...
Revolving door - the worst part: mostly from outside their district and/or states. Self-funding millionaires and a few billionairs - the worst of the worst... level field for citizen government? Where?
I understand, Dan. But these bribes, as in the case of Ben Nelson, the Louisiana babe/Landreau, Bernie Sanders, and the MA bribe, all came from treasury funds. This wasn't about the election process. This was about a system, in this case a Donkey led bribe system, that bought votes by stealing from other states. This isn't about PAC money. This is about a leadership that belongs in jail more than the crack dealers on State Street. Harry Reid should have a number. The other states will be paying for these bribes for decades, or longer.
Well, to use the same defense common with our school districts, we have to spend the money on the Matteson types 'cause if we don't, someone else will just get the money. We don't want that.
8:44... the point here is simple: put people in office who pledge not to take outside/ big/ PAC/ lobbyist, or special interest money ... and only from donors in the district (House races) and state (State-wide race).
Turn off or limit the money and watch a sea change of change and all for good ... do I know for sure it would work?
No ... then why not, Mr. Smarty Pants * said to myself?
These bribes, the ones that allowed the health care bill to keep moving, are not the result of campaign finance issues. I understand you trying to change the subject, Dan, being the good Donkey that you are. But this is not the same issue.
"IV" doesn't do much of these posts at all. Most all of this give and take is just people like us. Don't confuse this site with that one where Henesheep baarfs and everyone copies. There is only one side of the story accepted over there.
I don't care whether Gov Patterson is a Donkey, an Elephant, a Communist or even a Muslim. What he said today about the undue influence of special interests in this state was right on the money. We've spent too much because of them, and our state government is full of crooks, Shelly Silver the most prominant of them. I think the Gov is right on and I wish him luck in cleaning things up.
OMG, the Great One says "we are at WAR!!!" Who the hell woke that guy up? Doesn't he know that this might upset people? We don't need this. We need to get along and be loved. This is shocking.
Hey 6:47...just because he says it doesnt mean he isnt part of the problem. He is a politician, and all of them are the same. He will do nothing to clean up albany, only talk about cleaning up albany...its funny that you believe one politician over another when they are all clearly lying...
Wow...I guess Santa is real...I told him "All I want for Christmas this year is for IV to stop posting." and poof...
Maybe PIV will follow Charles Johnson out of the darkness and come out into the light. All are welcome.
9:47, then why are you reading this blog?
In the great debate about wind or no wind, I hope the County Legislators realize how much the Golden Crescent and the St. Lawrence River valley have to lose as they see the area transformed into a giant factory complete with moving parts, strange noises and flashing red lights.
Property values and land values in the Golden Crescent and the St. Lawrence River Valley will plummet. Sales and the ability to get financing has already been affected if you live near a planned wind factory. Construction of new homes will come to a halt in those high assessment and high tax areas that our Town coffers have always relied on to keep Town employees going in the winter.
I hope the county legislators will be wise enough to demand enough money from the foreign wind developers to at least keep the County even after they see a large part of our county drop 30% of its value.
I will miss your time off PIV, but wish you and your family the best of Holidays.
RW: You know the old expression? "Crap in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one fills fastest." That applies here...
The legislators are know to basically go against the tide of public opinion, against the grain, and against good common sense... they are built that way (stubborn, narrow-minded, close-minded, vision-less and very partisan (hell, why not - they dominate the board)...
They will approve the Wind tunnel bill and give the PILOT...
It helps create jobs and provide business incentives to come here... even if that means from Sweden and vice versa.
Unlike 9:47, who appears to have a problem with himself, we join together in wishing PIV and family a great Christmas and holiday season. Thanks for an enjoyable year of give and take.
Rwiley, isn't Darrel a big support of wind mills? And why not let the towns instead of the county decide whether or not to have windmills?
I happen to think they're nice to look at. This doom and gloom rhetoric never pans out.
The Great One says we're goin' in, but we're also pullin' out. I thinks that's what I used to tell the girls late at night.
Nope, nothing is going to change, PIV. Have a good break.
Merry Christmas.
"I happen to think they're nice to look at"
Most likely you are looking at them from a distance. If you are looking at them from your property, deduct 30% from the value of your home.
Wiley is right on this one.
Not having Dan Francis on the internet is a wonderful blessing of the season.
I hear they're talking about putting them windmills in the lake. Hey Wiley, will the value of the lake go down 30%?
Yeah, Dannie will be off PIV, but we still have to read him in the paper, if you choose to waste money on that rag. Today he did another "Fox News" thing.
Soooo predictable.
What about all the drunken sailors or landlubbers on the Jeff Co. board, you folks seem to spend your share, and the shares of our children.
"Hey Wiley, will the value of the lake go down 30%?"
As a person involved in real estate sales, I assure you that just the mention of turbines in the Lake will cause the value of homes on the Lake Shore to become less attractive and yes, the "value of the Lake" will go down 30% or even more for those with the best views of the towers and flashing lights at night. The appraisers are already showing us reductions and the banks are already requiring more down to protect their investments against the certainty of the loss of value.
7:23 - don't like it; don't read it. Pretty simple math.
Yup, it's simple math, Dannie. But drivel like yours is one reason the paper sells like it does. Not much interest anymore. They need to encourage some new blood to write in. The same old just won't cut it.
What was it you said? Fox News, Right Wing, Talk Radio, Fox, Fox. There, I reprinted it for those who missed it.
6:15 - sorry you can't write two sentences into something coherent ... hang in there though - these things take time.
Happy Christmas, Dannie. I'll be here, waiting for ya. Hope you get lots of taxpayer provided stuff. Don't get hurt on any playgrounds.
8:10 - FYI - whatever I get from the "taxpayers" as you chide me about has been earned, and BTW: I am also a taxpayer ... and in my lifetime, I have paid plenty.
It's our system, don't you know?
Carry on.
I'm very, very happy for everything the taxpayers have given you, Dannie. I'm sure you're one of the best government workers, ever. And I fully understand why you are a great believer in more and more of that which loves you most, government.
9:09 - okay, fair enough. Take government out of the picture and what do "We, the People" have?
Zip, nada, nil, nothing, zero, not a damn thing... please grow up and face reality.
With the current fisal mess and ecomonic near melt-down, where would we be w/o government help?
I do NOT like government's undue interference ... but government is us, and if they are the enemy as you always say, then "We have met the enemy and they are us."
Dannie, I have no idea why I like you, but I do. So here we go. I even like Kermit, when he dares to show himself. But this last post is so typical of what you are about. Unfortunately, it is what so many people are all about. And your views are what has brought our nation to it's current point of decay.
You say without government we have "zilch, nada, nothing...not a damn thing". Dan, I think you're nuts. I don't not agree. I believe the fundamental greatness of this country has nothing to do with its government, but with the people. Our greatness, a word that Libs like you are hesitant to use very often, lies in our belief in the power of the individual, not in the power or creativity of government. We fundamentally disagree on that.
You ask where we would be in our current fiscal mess and economic meltdown without government. I say we wouldn't BE in our current economic mess and meltdown without government. You look at it as the saviour, I look at it as the cause. Again, we fundamentally disagree.
You say you don't like governments undue interference. I'm glad to hear that. I have my doubts, but let's agree to agree. We have reached a point where government taxation and intrusion has reached a breaking point. There are so many examples of government encouraging people NOT to work, and not to achieve, it makes no sense to argue anymore. When I was young, I used to work a few hours of overtime. As a government employee you may not be familiar with the concept. Now, only a fool would work overtime, as you lose all of it in taxes. Millions of individuals don't work, don't care to better themselves, because it makes no sense. Others will pay for them. Have a beer. In this part of the world, almost everyone who is making it is doing so because they are either employed by government, schools, or some kind non profit. That ain't the way it's supposed to be. But we love it. Like you say, where would we be without government? In many ways, you're right.
So we have to turn this around. And I don't ever hear specifics from you when it comes to entitlements. Yeah, you do the business grants thing which all populists do, but that's about it. And you're right on that. But everything else is spend spend spend. It can't go on Dan, or your free stuff just ain't gonna flow anymore, whether you think you're entitled or not.
Sorry, gotta do a Wiley.
As a Republican racist I read with interest Sen Reid's comments about how my party opposed the ending of slavery and fought giving women the right to vote. That's funny, I thought my party was the leader in those changes, and your party was resistant to progress.
I guess I'll have to reread the history books. They have obviously been rewritten since I went to school. But rewriting history is a skill mastered by people like you, Danford, so no surprise there.
Merry Christmas to you
and Sen Reid.
6:32 - I also have no idea why you "like" me - LOL ... it much be catching?
But, what you post makes sense except this part - which is way off base:
"And your views are what has brought our nation to it's current point of decay.
Views from anyone did not get us to the brink before Bush got the first $700 billion passed and then Obama got the seocnd $787 billion passed... we were on the edge of total economic/fiscal failure. It was the policies of the past - not views of people.
But, when political philosophy and ideology turn into policy (like: sustained tax breaks/ cuts/ off-shore hiding, or whatever else we choose to call tricle down for the upper crust to help the bottom rung - which they never do - and govern over all others at the bottom) then disaster will follow and in 2007-2008 it also consumed us.
But, stick to that by-line... it may take hold some day, but not likely.
Dannie, I too find in ironic that someone with such a title as MARINE WINGS would be a contributor to the decay of our once great nation. I certainly don't mind explaining the connection to you.
Dan, there was a time when we citizens had very different values than we have today. We were motivated on a personal level. If we wanted stuff, we worked harder. Now we file a lawsuit. You know about that ploy. If you can get some money from a deep pocket government agency, say, a school, we file suit. And they settle out of court. It's an easy way to make some money. You know about this, don't you Dannie? I getting off topic.
In today's world, we look for government for all solutions. And fools like you throw up, I mean throw out the red herring of taxes. It isn't about taxes, it is about looking for government solutions rather than working as an individual to better oneself. Guys like you never think of that. It's all about a program.
Dan, I gotta ask you. You're obviously scared to exist without government intrusion in all aspects of your life. You get it all, and you want it all. My question is, have you always been this way? Has anyone in your family had a private sector job? I mean one where if ya didn't make it you went out of business. Where you didn't get free healthcare and no questions asked time off and kid care and everything you've obviously grown "entitled" to? From listening to you, I get the idea that you have never stood on your own and you have always been afraid.
I'm here for ya. I got lots of time off as I, like you, am a government employee. We can keep this going as long as you want.
You call yourself SuperWings, or GoldenFlyBoy or whatever title it is at present, then you wonder why people think you're a silver spoon boy? I don't understand the confusion. But then again you're the guy who has offered to advise elected officials in your spare time. Ego without end.
Simply put Dan, we have to learn to live without government assistance/intrusion/guidance, whatever you wish to call it. The reason is we have ceased to be what made us the great country we were. People like you have successfully taught a generation that the first place to look when trouble arises is to the almighty government. Millions of us now are afraid, like you, to stand on their own. They automatically assume if they have an issue, it must be caused by some sort of unfairness, which can only be addressed by government intervention. For all your military blather, you're a follower who has been scared for years and years. You say, with some reason I'll admit, that I draw conclusions about you that may be unfair and inaccurate. OK. As you say, fair enough. But please Sir, respectully. Address one question. If you have all this government experience you claim to have, and I have no reason to doubt you, you must have an appreciate for the costs and limitations of government. You know the relationship between government and liberty, how one can threaten the other. Do you think that folks who believe as I do are all crazy for thinking as we do? I/we see unchecked government in every aspect of our lives. I/we see people like you who have no problem with unchecked growth in government power and programs. It's a fair question, Dan, and it is presented in good faith. Do you think we're nuts?
As things are going, more and more people, especially young people, have no problem with unchecked government growth. Media supports this movement. Unless there are fundamental changes, you and yours will win, and win big in the coming years. People with my beliefs will be swept aside. America loves government, because they believe they are getting other people's stuff at a discount.
There are worse things...Addie Russell may be coming down the chimney and serving up a holiday feast of failed liberal social engineering! I'm disappointed PIV went off line before the babbling bafooness held her Jefferson County "no holds barred" town hall.
We can talk about AJR if you want, and I don't disagree. But these dishonest pols are just shoveling what we the people want. It gets to a point where we can't blame them, we have to hold ourselves responsible. Dan's mentality has won out. Let's get stuff, and let's get that stuff from someone else, ie: government.
At this point most everybody is getting on the train. Our pols are just giving us what we want. Shame on us. Individual initiative and responsibility are not fashionable concepts these days, and they die more and more as time passes. This is not what made this country great. And this is not what individual freedom is all about.
7:14 - if our government, and yes, government is us, goes unchecked, then we all need to glance in the nearest mirror to see the cause and effect (or affect).
I do not like and have said before many times, government that is intrusive, or overbearing, or rule and regulation top heavy; and especially I do not like to see gimmicks and use of things like budgets or “pork” used to sustain anyone in power that has an impact on our daily lives.
While I worked in government (as a servant of the public) I was a pain in the ass for many around me because I asked questions, didn't no for an answer all the time, didn’t necessarily take things at face value, and I challenged "the so-called conventional wisdom" that I found unconventional from my life's experiences ... and I had lots of blow back from higher up's ... but in my mind and in more cases than I can count ... I was basically right, and many above me and with me, said so – I may not agree with you, but you are right.
This may sound a bit arrogant, and maybe it is, but I knew the rules and when I saw things out of whack, I made it known that I didn't like it and wouldn't tolerate it.
I do not mean being disrespectful, or nasty or aloof; I mean staying focused on what needs to be done the right way and not the easy or popular way. Maybe that helps explain some things about me?
There is not much point in me continuing an argument with you about what is in your heart, Mr Francis. You're really the only one who knows. We will, if you want, let that part of the discussion go for now. Think about that the next time you call an entire political party racist. Determining what is in other people's hearts is,, not smart.
I appreciate all your verbage about your concerns for unlimited government intrusion into our lives. I also recognize lip service when I see it. But that's not important. Point is, if we as a nation keep going in the direction we are going, keep borrowing at the rate we are, keep looking to the government for all answers, keep providing disincentives for hard work, keep rewarding negative behavior, keep putting partisanship over the good of the nation, continue to shovel money to a broken and corrupt education system, continue to provide fewer choices to our kids while claiming to look out for them, blame ourselves for every problem in the world and charge the solution to the working class, create classes of people who have their own healthcare, retirement system and don't have to participate with what others tolerate (ya know, special folks like teacher's and government employees), and worst of all, teach our young people that giving up their freedoms, however slowly and "reeeesonably" is acceptable, then we are done. We may be done already. It won't affect me, as I'm old enough to ease on out. So are you. But don't you feel just a little bit sad that you're giving your kids just a small piece of the freedoms and opportunities that were given to you, Dan? Don't you regret it just a little bit? While you're yelling at GWBush and Cheney and Reagan and Fox News and calling for more and more taxes, have you ever thought of someone besides yourself?
But then again, you're pretty well set up. I guess I am too, so who cares. Obviously not the most folks, who love this change that we can believe in.
Today's USA TODAY reports an "explosion" in the number of federal civil servants who's salary has risen to six digits since the recession began.
It's always nice to know our government is sacrificing along with the simple folk. And I'm so gratified to know they are there for us. If we hire enough of them, and pay them enough, I just know they will come up with solutions to allllll our problems.
God Bless Us, Everyone.
the management term for your style is "unmanageable," so kicking the ant's nest often got you where you are. If you told them off at BML in August, I am not surprised you came in last.
2:10 - you are flat out wrong: I have never, ever called for more taxes, higher taxes, or anything of the sort ... if anything, I have and will continue to call for less spending, waste and abuse and insider money that keeps clever, shrewd and silver-tongued pols in office. They are culprits ... a lot like you are with your total and incomplete misunderstanding of and about me.
My 2010 campaign slogan and I stick by it:
"If none of us can truthfully and honestly criticize ourselves, then we are in no position to accept criticism from others." — Dan Francis
To the 5:25 Dan. A different animal than some of the other Dans we're heard from.
You are the one who is completely nuts. You, Dan, consistantly call for more government spending on all levels. You love government spending. You love every cause there is. I have never, every heard you be specific about any cut in government spending. All you ever do is ridicule those who do. That, and run your mouth endlessly about Fox News.
Earth the Dan. When you do so. When you love each and every spending issue there is, you are calling for more taxes. There is no other way. When you call for more spending, you are advocating more taxes. It's simple. I'm won't say you do so for your own special interests. I don't know that. But you can't have it both ways. That is why people like you have contributed to the decline of a nation that once was thriving, full of freedom and opportunity. Now, we have people like you. Those who flat out lie and spread information. It is diffult to stomach liars. That is one of the problems I have always had with you.
"If none of us can truthfully and honestly criticize ourselves, then we are in no position to accept criticism from others." — Dan Francis
really now, what does this have to do with the issues we face? It's just another way of saying that if Mr Francis doesn't think he is criticizable, the rest of us shouldn't think so either.
(Insert Bronx Cheer here.....),
We in the North love BIG govt. no doubt about it, From the state of NY providing money to developers on various buildings in the area, to providing tax credits and PILOTS for projects that would be built anyway. We love the idea that say a Former Senator is running DANC, after providing years of funding various not-for-profits, NCCC,NOW, various in kind services provided by the network of small ineffective govt's. that continue to exsist based on "member items."
You're absolutely right, 9:40. And what makes it so sad is not the fact that we do this, it's how we can look at our kids and tell them how we are looking out for them. We're addicted to government programs that makes our schools and our agencies and our civil servants fat, then we tell our kids we love them.
We're all a bunch of lying sacks of sh#t. But I got mine. Dannie has his. Happy Days for as long as it lasts. Screw your kids.
9:43 - simply put even for a simpleton like you, it means: "If you can't take it, don't dish it out."
You are rather thin-skinned - I on the other hand am not. I take a lot crap at this forum and other places - some probably deserved, but most is misplaced in my view.
Most of it does not bother me. That's why like my little pic - "I stand pat" - I play the hand I've been dealt.
you know a lot about 9:43 Dan, considering you probly haven't met. How did you develop that skill?
Read more of my stuff and maybe that will help paint a different and hopefully better picture and image of me... enjoy.
NY 23 District
View of Other Things
Professional Passion and Focus
Broken Link: Fixed Here
Dan, our image of you has been crafted by your own mouth. It's doubtful that links to some sites will influence what we've already heard right from the horse himself. You're the smartest guy about government, we're racist fools. If we challenge you, we're threatened. You're the first to jump to profanity. And you live off the system you love so much. You're not partisan, but when push comes to shove everything you say is. You also claim to be open minded, but your biggest headache is Fox News, who dares tell things a little differently than your chosen little mouthpieces, the ones that comfortably bend over for your Great One.
So what is it, we're supposed to go to a website to see what you're really like? I think I hear enough from you all year long to get a good idea. You never apologize for anything, you call radio shows to hear yourself talk, and you write the paper as often as they will accept a letter. All because you have an unstoppable ego. Carry on, my General of Silver Wings Dada or whatever you're calling yourself today.
11:05 - I won't respond to trash like that from you or anyone else to give your posts any validity.
I understand that, Dan. But everything stated is truth. And every bit of information listed was provided by you.It was not invented. You said it.
My advice, which you won't take, ever, is to learn to back up once in a while. An apology, and not a Clinton type apology, never hurt anyone.
I have more integrity and honor in my little finger than you have in your entire body, Anonymous 6:42.
I will not lower myself to your level and disgrace myself by falsely admitting to you that which you want me to admit which is flat-out false: I have never called anyone at this trough a racist.
And I will not dignify your persistence in trying to somehow force me into saying I did ...
Finally, I will no longer discuss this with you or any other Anonymous posters who spew that same BS line.
Reveal yourself and discuss and debate issues on solid principle and then perhaps we might agree to disagree on some things. But not like this.
Oh Danford, you get more pathetic as time passes. We live in an age where one can scream and pout and kick their heels and most are impressed. I'm not. Give it up. Your words have appeared in print. Now you could say someone else used your name without your permission. You could apologize. But crying that the words weren't said is a little foolish.
You've moaned at length about your desire for me to join you putting my face out there. Dan, you're the one with the ego for that crap. And you're the one who made that decision for yourself. It's one of the reasons I can't for the life of me figure out your reasons for your willingness to use profanity and threats, but that's your game, and your decision. Everyone here that I know of chooses to post anonymously, except you. Instead of throwing a temper tantrum about it, you might want to ask yourself why that is. But you won't, you'll just scream and stamp your feet. As a military man, don't you think it's time for a change in tactics?
7:08 - change in tactics... for me or you?
Your anonymous ambush style seems to work fine for you... just not for me.
"various in kind services provided by the network of small ineffective govt's. that continue to exsist based on "member items."
9:40 AM said that, and the hammer met the nail squarely.
A lot of the problems are created by small ineffective gov'ts that can't plan for the future, that reward friendships at voting time, and that haven't got the foresight to make progress.
Dan, give up your Sandbox General role for these holidays, please.
Everything is working just fine for me, General Dannie. That's why I'm politely suggesting change. My feet are getting sore from kicking your butt all year long. This is getting boring.
But you seem to like it. Maybe you don't get enough thrashing at home. You certainly get it here. And every time you run for some political office.
Why don't you try changing the subject? Do you have any interests besides politics? There has to be more to you than just screaming.
7:40 - as long as I have ammo to fire back at the likes of you, Anonymous [im]poster, I will hold out until reinforcements show up.
And, if they don't, hand-to-hand is always a nice option... or army wrestling or hell, maybe even tumbs tiddlye winks...
But, for the sake of the holidays and all that good stuff, I'm game to cease fire...
My other interests - wouldn't you like to know? LOL
Good enough, Dan.
I'm going to attend a couple of Christmas concerts, and have a few friends over. Small family now.
Merry Christmas to you, Sir.
12:52 - And, the same to you, too ...
May 2010 see you with good health and with your family close knit, prosperous and enjoying life to the fullest without too many undue hardships.
All I want for Christmas is a bribe of my very own.
Oh, that's right. I live in NY. Not Nebraska, or Louisiana, or MA, or Vermont.
Ho Ho Ho... Merrrrry Christmas.
Now that the Holiday Season is almost over I look forward to your return.
"All I want for Christmas is a bribe of my very own."
You can always get into the business of wind mill development.
Speaking of abuses of the system, (This seems to be getting bigger) The JCIDA is now handing out pension credits to all the economic development agencies, wonder how many of these we need, and what they do? It'd be nice to see these consolidate and be more efficient, Seems odd??? Ask the "Donald".
That is not the same as passing laws that apply to some and not others. The health care bill is dishonest, illegal, unconstitutional, and a testiment to how pathetic and corrupt our system has become. I'm not speaking of the bill in general. I disagree with it, but to grant bribes to some to secure their votes is a situation I have never seen before. How can we expect people to respect any law when our leaders are violating the basic tenets of all we believe it, or at least believed in in the past? Has it come to this?
6:26... keep putting the same kind of people in office, keeping them there - and excpecting different solution? Ain't gonna happen...
That's why we need to shut off the money, open up the process and change our ways of electing our government ... otherwise, the system we say we want will never change.
You say shut off the money, and I couldn't agree more, Dan. But every time the subject of more money comes up for these criminals, you always support it. The only way they get money is through taxes and spending. You always like taxes and spending. I'm with ya, but I don't understand ya.
You say shut off the money, and I couldn't agree more, Dan. But every time the subject of more money comes up for these criminals, you always support it. The only way they get money is through taxes and spending. You always like taxes and spending. I'm with ya, but I don't understand ya.
In the same spirit that we were trained to hate GWBush, let us now rant and rave about how the terrorist (or possibly misunderstood youth) was allowed to get on the plane in the first place. Three years ago this would have been yet another example of an idiot president. Today, it's just another example of how screwed up the world is and how our prez is doin' his best. I kind of think the latter was true in both cases. But let's not dodge an opportunity to spew hatred.
you people, DMF included, are eliminating every gov't option but emperor.
Quid pro quo is and has always been the way the game is played, it's just a bit more obvious now because we have 24/7 news outlets.
Right or wrong, a format has been established for election campaigns, and money talks.
The money I address is not taxes or revenues or such... I mean campaign money into the Pols coffers, pockets and PACs... those leadership PACs - money in, money out ...
Revolving door - the worst part: mostly from outside their district and/or states. Self-funding millionaires and a few billionairs - the worst of the worst... level field for citizen government? Where?
I understand, Dan. But these bribes, as in the case of Ben Nelson, the Louisiana babe/Landreau, Bernie Sanders, and the MA bribe, all came from treasury funds. This wasn't about the election process. This was about a system, in this case a Donkey led bribe system, that bought votes by stealing from other states. This isn't about PAC money. This is about a leadership that belongs in jail more than the crack dealers on State Street. Harry Reid should have a number. The other states will be paying for these bribes for decades, or longer.
Nice too See Jay Matteson now will get a Pension thanks to the taxpayers, never knew what he did anyway.
Well, to use the same defense common with our school districts, we have to spend the money on the Matteson types 'cause if we don't, someone else will just get the money. We don't want that.
8:44... the point here is simple: put people in office who pledge not to take outside/ big/ PAC/ lobbyist, or special interest money ... and only from donors in the district (House races) and state (State-wide race).
Turn off or limit the money and watch a sea change of change and all for good ... do I know for sure it would work?
No ... then why not, Mr. Smarty Pants * said to myself?
We haven't tried it before ... but we ought to.
Some of 7:50's argument is before SCOTUS in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.
Local-only campaign funding is like telling Coca-Cola they can only sell their product in Atlanta.
These bribes, the ones that allowed the health care bill to keep moving, are not the result of campaign finance issues. I understand you trying to change the subject, Dan, being the good Donkey that you are. But this is not the same issue.
Come back IV! I'm in withdrawal and won't be able to make it much longer without your blogging.
Yous can always to the Dem site and hear one side of the story.
For new information, news and commentary on the race for NY-23 check out this site.
good blogs. I was just hoping to hear IV start criticizing the big spenders on the Jefferson County Board. Oh wait, he is one the big spenders.
"IV" doesn't do much of these posts at all. Most all of this give and take is just people like us. Don't confuse this site with that one where Henesheep baarfs and everyone copies. There is only one side of the story accepted over there.
I don't care whether Gov Patterson is a Donkey, an Elephant, a Communist or even a Muslim. What he said today about the undue influence of special interests in this state was right on the money. We've spent too much because of them, and our state government is full of crooks, Shelly Silver the most prominant of them. I think the Gov is right on and I wish him luck in cleaning things up.
I agree with 6:47. I like Paterson's excelsior zone idea.
Here's another site to discuss NNY politics.
OMG, the Great One says "we are at WAR!!!" Who the hell woke that guy up? Doesn't he know that this might upset people? We don't need this. We need to get along and be loved. This is shocking.
Where has this man been?
Hey 6:47...just because he says it doesnt mean he isnt part of the problem. He is a politician, and all of them are the same. He will do nothing to clean up albany, only talk about cleaning up albany...its funny that you believe one politician over another when they are all clearly lying...
Where are you??? We miss you. Whatsupny23 is not an adequate replacement!!!!!
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