"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have"
Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Office

It was reported today in the Watertown Daily Times some additions to Senator Aubertine's current office staff.

It is worth a look at a couple of the new hires and make some mild observations, because his office is only as good as his staff.

Andrew "Drew" Mangione, a Green Party member with some very strong views on issues, and who was never afraid of any appearance of conflict between those views and his reporting while at the Watertown Daily Times, is the communications director. Drew is known for his strong support of legalizing marijuana and anti nuclear power and he is noted for his hot temper and throwing the "F" bomb around freely in the office atmosphere, but that should not matter a lot as Chief of Staff Ed Gaffney will not hear him anyway. His use of the “F” bomb and hot temper got him an up close and personal look at the exit sign. This is a career advancement for Drew, who comes off a job selling used TV's and writing a science fiction novel.

The Senator's next hire raises more eyebrows and concerns given the recent moves of the DEC, D. Lee Willbanks is the husband of Region 6 DEC Director Judy Drabicki. This will likely position the Senator's office for an amicable relationship with the DEC and more importantly a reluctance to represent the people and challenge any of the DEC's decisions, such as the recent road closings that impacts ATV use in Jefferson and Lewis Counties. This is probably why the Senator has been so silent on that issue. ATVers appear to be pretty much up a creek without a paddle when it comes to the Senator's office helping them; then again, DEC has probably closed off the creeks too.

Another interesting observation of this hire is that Drabicki was right in the middle of the wind farm issue prior to becoming the DEC director and the DEC is right in the middle of the issue also, and so is the Senator as he has signed a contract to host a turbine or two on his property.

Congratulations to the new hires!


Anonymous said...

I can not understand how the senator could put himself in a position where any dealing with the DEC would create a conflict. With recreation, hunting, fishing and agriculture everyday there is issues with DEC in the north county. We will not have help with our senator's office due to his employee and his relationship with the regional director of the DEC.

Anonymous said...

Boy am I surprised! Another overpaid government LOCAL who forgot where he came from and who put him there. It befuddles me how politicians who get elected take on an personna of reckless disregard for future generations and an A+ for passing the special class of stupidity. As others will request,resign Darrel, and your other brothers Darrel(s)in Albany.

HQ said...

This was posted on Danger Democrat

The anonymous blogger(s) who post(s) as Political IV has written an over the top
diatribe against a couple of new staffers for Senator Darrel Aubertine. So much for the blog's claim of cleansing the political atmosphere. This nom de plumer doesn't have the testicles to sign his work. But he feels he does have the insight and character to attack the, character and professionalism of Lee Willbanks and Drew Mangione. I personally know both Willbanks and Mangione and frankly neither deserve the dirty end of the very partisan stick pointed at them.
I'll stir the fire a little too. Rumor has it that Poltical IV is at least in part Legislator Scott Gray. Scott, would you specifically confirm or deny that you have a role with Political IV please?
This link to Political IV is for context only. Danger Democrat thinks very ill of this post.

Posted by TF at 2:55 PM

Anonymous said...

I clicked on the link for this because it was near the top of the list on Newzjunky; therefore, I thought it may actually be News worthy. Much to my dismay, it was not. Do you actually think the Senator, a man whose family relied on the agricultural business for survival and who loves to fish and hunt, would make a decision that could harm any of this? I pity the person who has nothing better to do in their day than to waste time hiding behind a Blog, criticizing every little thing a hard-working, honest man does.

Anonymous said...

By Shannon Mccaffrey
Associated Press
12/26/98 20:57

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - A bipartisan coalition opposing New York's Rockefeller drug laws is launching radio advertisements calling for an overhaul of the rigid 25-year-old sentencing guidelines.

The 60-second radio spots tell the true stories of people unable to be with their families over the holidays because they are serving lengthy prison sentences for relatively low-level drug offenses under the New York laws, which are among the harshest in the nation.

The ads will run in Buffalo, Rochester and on Long Island through the end of the year.

Indeed, among those on the coalition calling for changes to the laws are one of their original sponsors, former state Sen. H. Douglas Barclay, of Syracuse. Also on board is Warren Anderson, who was state Senate Majority Leader when the laws were enacted in 1973.

Also involved in the campaign is John Dunne, a former state senator and a former assistant U.S. attorney general, and the Rev. Floyd Flake, a former New York City congressman. All are on the Campaign For Effective Criminal
Justice, which comprises conservative criminal justice experts, religious leaders, former judges as well as activists in minority and women's issues.

The ads are also sponsored by Reconsider, a not-for-profit group concerned with the national drug policies.

Anonymous said...

Dear IV:

As the managing editor of the Watertown Daily Times, I read with interest you recent offering regarding the hiring of former WDT reporter Drew Mangione by Darrel Aubertine:

"He directed the 'F' bomb several times at his boss at the Watertown Daily Times before he got an up close and personal look at the exit sign."

Since I am the boss you are referring to, I can assure you that no such incidents ever took place.

If it had, I would have never told Drew that he is always welcome in our newsroom.

You're welcome to visit our newsroom as well. Please call and make an appointment. We can chat, and then you can then return to your computer and post something that resembles the truth.


Bob Gorman
Managing Editor
Watertown Daily Times
260 Washington St.
Watertown, NY 13601
315-782-1000, ext. 2359


"Tosach catha agus deire air"

Anonymous said...

Please, Mr. Gorman,somehow the mother tongue rolling off your lips sounds profane.

Even this:
"You're welcome to visit our newsroom as well. Please call and make an appointment."
....sounds truly oxymoronic to a true Celtic soul.

An open armed welcome to a true Gael does not require an appointment.

You are losing the battle and the fight. Retire from the field gracefully, please.

Go dĂ­lis,
MĂșinteoir leanbh

Anonymous said...

IV, did you miss the part about Senator Aubertine hiring his SISTER!!!!

If this had been Barclay hiring his third cousin twice removed Danger Democrat would be calling it nepotism.

Dede for Senate!!!

Prosegrrl said...

I know Lee Willbanks and I am sure that him getting a position in Aubertine's office has more to do with the fact of his work ethic than being someones husband. Anyone who has seen him in action would know that. Having seen him on different levels, as coordinator of Youth Voice at Cornell, as a coach and later on the Board of Directors for Odyssey of the Minds, and in the political capacity of Aubertine's campaign, I have seen nothing but professionalism and a motivation to do the best job possible. He got where he is by pure hard work, not by being a "4th generation florist".

Anonymous said...

I love how you slam Mr. Gorman for stating the truth as he takes time to make sure we the public realize that this blogger is a complete idiot. As far as Aubertine hiring his sister, who cares. If she is anything like him, then we as NY residents are very lucky to have her on board. Their family seems to have very strong values and I don't think that he would have hired her if she was not capable of doing a good job. He cares about the future of New York.

Anonymous said...

Gorman is never shy on taking his sarcastic shots at people in the community.

The difference between here and Gorman's articles - people have the opportunity for rebuttal here.

Anonymous said...

Judy Drabicki was the Wind Power Ethics group's lawyer in Cape Vincent. She began getting cold feet to move on some of the things they wanted her to move on, like going after Aubertine's wind energy conflicts. She also began to suddenly get cold feet on WPEG's court battle with Cape Vincent on whether wind turbines are utilities. Not long after she cooled off, she was appointed as region 6 director of the DEC. Well isn't that cozy!!! Looks like maybe near the end she was walking both sides of the street. Do I smell an ethics violation???? It is also interesting to see who has contributed to Aubertine's campaign in the past. Look it up on the Web. Does the name Drabicki or Willbanks ring a bell. As for Gorman, and the WDT it's time for his cozy litle newsroom to start doing something resembling serious investigative reporting on the whole wind issue surrounding Cape Vincent. His former reporter Vadney wrote high school term papers, not serious reporting on the Cape wind issue.

Anonymous said...

Political IV,
If you really knew this man at all, you might be able to find something better to do with your time.

Anonymous said...

As a blogger myself, I hesitate to tread on people who are using the amazing tool of the Internet to give an alternative viewpoint. Having said that, bloggers have the same responsibility as, say, reporters to not libel their subjects. I don't know Mr. Willbanks but I do know Andrew and his political views are not neatly compressed into "pro-legalization and antinuclear". He is much, much deeper than that, and anyone suggesting otherwise is probably shallow him- or herself. Tbis post was snarky and mean-spirited and, as many people have pointed out, somewhere between disingenuous and blatantly false.

Anonymous said...

The bigger issue is who cares. Aubertine will most likely be challenged for re-election more for his inaction on ATV issues than anything else. All the elected should be held accountable for raiding the snowmobile fund to balance a bloated budget all while keeping member item money (aka PORK) untouched.

You watch, the state will give some member item money to a snowmobile club for a groomer with the hopes it will make us forget just what a bunch thieves they are.

Manjione may be a good writer, but he can't write Aubertine out of this mess.

Hopefully this shows all of us just how out of touch with the north country the state democrat leadership is. To bad Aubertine is so gutless.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to WPEG finding their way to spew their venom on the blogs as well. I find it quite funny that no matter how low they go and no matter how many lies they spread they still seem to always get obliterated at the polls.
Did you ever think that Drabicki got cold feet over the wind issue in Cape Vincent because she knew that WPEG doesnt have a leg to stand on? Maybe she didnt want to be associated with such a sinking ship?

Anonymous said...

The Democrat Governor wasn't able to show his face in the district and Will Barclay still managed to lose. Please, please, please, Albany, DON'T TRY TO RUN HIM AGAIN!

Anonymous said...

I know you can't write this well, Scott. Did you hire Chicester to run a blog for you? Great way to get ahead politically. Pay someone to tear down everyone else to make yourself look better.

Anonymous said...

The Watertown Times is doing an expose on bloggers.....Ted Ford was interviewed by Jude Seymour and there is intense interest in outing Political IV. Blogs will be neutered much like the web board was last year....
Run for cover....

Anonymous said...

How about Deide, She went to a Lewis County board of legislators meeting a few years ago and essentialy encouraged the Lewis County Legislators to open roads illegally. And then said, you need trails in the county and then left to a thunderous applause. Now the state that had only a remote resemblence of trails for Leiws County has closed them. Thanks alot DEIDE.

How about another round of applause for our assemblywoman? Looks like Albany needs to pull up there pants and get to work for the ATV riders. They have nothing left.

Good luck on that one. Another politician saying what he or she thinks looks good at the time. Truly the only thing she did was BLOW smoke.

Carmelia Montes said...

I have just recently discovered this "fountain of truth". It is sad that you feel the need to fabricate in order to attract bloggers. I have known Drew for two years and have seen nothing even REMOTELY resembling any of this garbage. He is young man with talent who will positively influence the Senator's staff and the community.

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