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Trump Pardons Nearly All Involved in Jan. 6 Attack
25 minutes ago
"A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is big enough to take away everything you have"
Thomas Jefferson
New Danger/Jefferson Democrat: "Official" Democrat propaganda replaces "unofficial" Democrat propaganda!
The major difference in blogs is that now there are multiple keys to the front page not just mine.
Multiple keys?
That is nothing new, while PIV has not allowed it, you can permit several people to do postings to blogs. You can assign an administrator and have multiple posters or as TF refers to it - keys.
BUT that does not explain why you have turned off the blog comments.
Nor does it explain what's happened to TF ...
Ted likely stepped over the line one to many times, and if he wants a sweet heart job with Addie or Darell, then he has to behave like a good boy. Pussy!
Now you all just have that abaycircus idiot left. don't bother him, everyone has learned his program. Lots of hot air!
Can you believe the town up there is going to pay him to record and moderate.
It hit me this morning why the interactive blog was shut down - they want a one-side, positive message and no flak from anyone on either side of the aisle...
In short: our message will be our message and no one can, at least at via our blog, comment on that message ...
* Kinda like those three down in Albany mucking up the works for the entire state ...
You betcha'...
To anonymous 12/11 9:34am pretty harsh words for someone hiding behind the cowards mask of anonyblogging. The Village board is not paying me nor would I accept payment. I was making a joke about how much Steve Weed gets paid to video the Watertown Council Meetings.
On another note, regarding you, I seemed to have succeeded with my motto " to inform and annoy" I just hope I really really get under your skin........
They should rename it
I'll miss Ted. He's a party liner, but I still like him. Why, I have no idea.
Does that mean that both the town and village paying this circus guy?
What is wrong with those Alexandria people??
Must be to much Capt Morgan during Pirates festivities.
You bloggers better watch your driving skills.
jc aka ...
not under my skin but it sure looks like u r under the pd's skin
u better watch out -
u better not shout -
they're coming to take u away
the funny farm, HO HO
Must have been curmudgeon that caused curmudgeon's better half to get so many NO votes(or not get any votes) at CoC elections. She'll never get in as long as he continues his cowardly name calling. That is why no one voted for her(tq).
Your Sticks and Stones are breaking her bones johnny!
but keep paying those dues,
Has anybody heard from Teddy F?
What is he really doing?
Sean can really screw up a good thing can't he?
Why would they do that?
Was Teddy not being truthful? or was he embarassing his party?
Any answers or comments??
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