What an interesting week in Jefferson County, one week and two issues that could viewed similarly or from entirely different perspectives.
First, the county is poised to renew the trail coordinator position and associated expenses for $65K. It is a position that has a targeted constituency of outdoor recreational people it serves and those folks obviously see the merit and understand the work being accomplish. But, there are some folks whom are not served by the position that are crying foul and calling this a frivolous expense or ineffective position.
Then, JCC unveils a new logo and marketing campaign this week to the tune of $60K. Some of the very same people who are howling about the trail coordinator position renewal are silently looking the other way on this expense. What gives?
So, time for you folks to sound off...what are your thoughts on either of these issues, supportive or not so supportive, let the fur fly!
By the way, I did not view the new logo as the clock tower and arch, I viewed it as follows.
Trump Pardons Nearly All Involved in Jan. 6 Attack
43 minutes ago
Of all the community colleges in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
Trail Coordinator - to do what:
Find trails? Develop trails? Take you on a trail walk or ride? Point out a trail to you? Explain what a trail does or can do for you?
Sounds like they get a bunch of trails together and coordinate their activities?
Not trying to be funny here, but seems to me that a few maps or brochures could do the job or even a "robo telephone" with recorded directions to the nearest "trail" could do the job for a few thousand dollars and not even get sick pay or time off?
~ dmf
JCC $60,000 for a three-word logo?
Or part of that money goes for marketing, too, I surmise?
Oh my! Where to even begin...
Kudos to Jennie Adsit for speaking out against renewing Burto's contract. $65,000 for a County Legislator's nephew, and you wonder why the local Repubs can't get a candiate elected? It was a dubious position to begin with with even more dubious results. Did he even do ANYTHING at all the first two (2) years of the contract?
"Of all the community colleges in all the towns in all the world..." LOL! We pay to pad Ms. McCoy's resume for when she leaves us for the next victim...ur, college.
I don't feel like doing the math to figure out the effect on the County Budget, but I know for our Town each $60,000 would be about $.50 per $1,000 in the tax rate. Would I be happy about having to pay another $100+ per year so someone's nephew can have a job or someone else can get their ego stroked. I think not.
If they were to choose a hat for a logo, why wouldn't use something more regional? Like a camo baseball cap? Or a toque?
There wasn't an art/design class that could have come up with this for free? On their website, it says they have a graphic designer. Huh?
My guess, as a former employee of jcc, is that the graphic designer did what someone else said to do. does anyone else think that a college that says 'there's more here' has a bit of an identity crisis. Seems they aren't sure what the "more" is....too bad, it obscures the great stuff they can do for the community and the courses they provide. I say McCoy was a disastrous choice especially since they hired someone else to run the administrative stuff...which is part of her job.
and I thought the logo looked stupid, had no clue what it was...now I will be proud to live in a county with a college that honors Humphrey Bogart...Carry on.
2:36 EXACTLY I cannot believe the Republicans, who run all this crap on us about fiscal responsibility, make a move like this. Burto should be ashamed of himself. But from watching him lately I don't think there's much chance of his concience kicking in. And I'm one of the guys who criticized Darrell for the sister deal. This is just as bad, or worse.
And 6:54, where did you get that "carry on" deal? NJ? Think up your own stuff. Carry on...
Are you EVER going to learn to spell or use correct grammar?
According to the article, the $60,000 went to Berkshire Advertising. Again, there wasn't anyone in Jefferson County that could have performed this service?
Days ago, JCC was distressed over how it was going to manage with the pending budget cuts?
You do the math.
The motto reminds me of the stereotypical pudgy Irish cop in the old-time movies: "Nothing more to see here, folks, now move along!"
Can you imagine the laughter over at Berkshire Advertising?
Fellow forum posters and others who post as poor spellers [sometimes] - join me and my club.
Our motto is simple:
"Poor Spellers of the World:
U N T I E ...
Anybody know what -- or who -- is Berkshire Advertising? Can't find anything on the web...
Rumor on the street in Malone is the School District paid $50,000 in advertising for the (now defeated) capital project vote. That number may be exaggerated but
the full page newspaper ads touting the benefits of the project and the impact on local taxes aren't free. What a sham!
When is the waste of taxpayer money going to end! Just like JCC's new logo scam. That abuse is absurd considering Dr. McCoy and others were crying for more money- and apparently she needs to hire a VP to do work normally assigned to a President.
I find the trail coordinator a dubious position at best. Some time ago The Times had a story about the unhappiness with his performance based on opinions from the ATV clubs. I find it odd this was never questioned by the Times or by any legislators.
Look folks as long as we, through our County Legislators, allow JCC to run amuck like this
(plus their little annual ritual about their budget, which goes like this:
It's discussed; anger and worry pour forth; it's finally approved (lessor amount); then they come back with their supplement spending plan; more anger, more worry; then that's approved, too -- everyone is so happy)...
NOTHING ever changes in that regard - nothing.
That's the first thing I saw more than 18 years ago when I first got here ...
JCC runs the country legislators. It's a little game both play AT taxpayers' expense.
If you think education is expensive? Try ignorance!!!
It seems to me both this blatant pork being spent on a logo and an unnecessary additional administrator is a PERFECT opportunity for the County Board to make known their displeasure with the hypocrisy coming from Coffeen Street. The next time the College is pouting for more money, here is a chance for legislators to hold someone accountable.
No one is going to be held accountable, not this time, not next time. We have Burto, who should be thrown out of office. McCoy should be asked to resign. People here ask why the Watertown Times didn't question anything. It is because they have not been a newspaper for many years now. They are so corrupt they question nothing of substance. And the logo thing. What's got you folks upset about that? $60K for three words. Again, must have been done by someone well connected.
I'm always amazed at the outrage, followed up by bending over and writing your tax check. Burto, our legislators, the Watertown Times, and community leaders, as well as citizens, will do nothing. So shut the hell up and enjoy the political reality that we have allowed to become acceptable.
Corruption isn't exactly a new situation here in the north country.
I wonder if The Carthage School board is outraged at any of this, with the Trail coordinator being given his job for the next 3 yrs. Hummmm turnabout is fair play?
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