New York is massive in its scope of local government with over 10,000 loca government units. Click on the link for an interactive map by county of local government units.
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Why Trump’s Tesla Showcase Mattered to Elon Musk
2 hours ago
As things stand, we aren't ready to do anything. Reforming local government? Not any time soon. Probably never. The question is, what is it going to take for us to demand action? Local governments, school districts, the waste is out of control. Do we really think we can avoid doing anything about this? In the past, I believe that has been the case. We thought if we ignored these problems they would go away. Do we still think that way? Do enough of us work for government or schools that we can watch the future of our state disappear, only concerned about ourselves? This is something I never thought I would see. I knew the meaning of special interest. I just never knew people could buy into their own propaganda to a point where they could watch this happen to their neighbors, and their own children. We can't do this any more people. We have to stop spending money we don't have. We are not that important. Someone else is. You remember, those children we pretend to love so much.
Nothing will change in Albany until we stop electing those to office who run on the same old, same old platoforms, cycle after cycle after cycle:
"Create or keep jobs; cut or lower taxes; reduce mandates, and regulation ... but also that never seems to happen ...
But, it does work to win elections ...
I guess in the end, then, that is all that matters?
Winning - not governing?
I agree wholeheartedly. But WE also preach the same old about schools not having "resources", when we spend more than ANYBODY. How can we make a dent in that lobby when so many of us mouth the same bs sermon again and again. You know it ain't true, Danny. Them folks get a FAIR amount of "resources". I don't mean to single you out on this but this is exactly why we can't make progress. If YOU don't have the courage to confront this propaganda, how can we expect people who making their living off the machine to do so?
Educate me. As I understand it, education and health is approximately 70% of the budget. How can we NOT include this in our plans to make meaningful cuts? If we don't, if we are unwilling to confront the teachers cartel, then nothing of meaning will be accomplished.
9:40 Anon: you asked this:
"Educate me. As I understand it, education and health is approximately 70% of the budget. How can we NOT include this in our plans to make meaningful cuts."
Okay, cut those two, too ... then we end up with a sate filled with sick, non-educated goof-balls.
But, wait, most of that kind are already in Albany...
Never will happen we all like the mayor or supervisor of this or that township or village. Most likely our brother or son or daughter will be directed affected by any move to consolidate anything.
Dan, we don't have to throw money at this like we have to put together good educational programs. Spending does not have to increase as it has. We're tops in the nation in spending. Be honest, reductions do not mean we will be left with stupid kids or unsupported teachers. That's the same kind of propaganda our teacher union has spread all over the sidewalk for years. I'm surprised you of all people have swallowed it all. Every once in a while, spit. It won't hurt you. You speak of greed. Does ya think this has something to do with it, Dan? And now they're thinking of a four day week. Do you think that will help the Kids, Dan? Do you think this has anything to do with Kids?
Talking about local government consolidation in the abstract can put even the most afflicted insomniac into a Rip Van Winkle-like slu8mber.
But this map and Andy's report really put the problem in perspective.
Still, the required decisions could be too much for our current crop of spineless "leaders" to bear.
As in any past American crisis -- think Great Depression, WWII, Ronald Reagan -- I predict we will see the rise of a new clique of leaders with courage, forebearance and intellegence to do what needs to be done.
Let's hope that change starts soon.
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