Bill Owens, Democrat, NY-23
Cheryl Lane, Republican, County Clerk. Cheryl registered a large large victory and ran a great campaign.
Kim Martueswicz, Democrat County Judge with a large victory
Republican Legislators: Gino Zando, Mike Behling and Bobby Ferris all who were in contested races and Democrat Jim St. Croix.
Trump Says Putin Is ‘Destroying Russia’
1 hour ago
what about congratulating Teresa? Leave her out for a reason? what a dork!!
Credit Michael Docteur, too.
In Cape Vincent Michael Docteur, (Legislator, CV, Clayton) who was uncontested can be credited for running a very active campaign. Because of Michael, the CV Republicans, who were NOT endorsed by their own party co-chairs R. Chapman and M. Mason, who endorsed the Democrats, were able to come up with the most votes for a Town Councilman and are only 42 votes away from electing Urban Hirschey as the new Town Supervisor with over 200 absentee votes to be counted.
Now just maybe Teresa Macawhatever wasn't remembered and it was an oversight. Why does this have to be so personal?
Now Wiley, isn't Docteur the pro-wind guy? Does that mean the CVers will move ahead with wind spinners? Or was this just a show vote? Or am I wrong on that? Or is Hirshey the guy who admits there is wind? Seems like the only thing that matters in CV is wind. Which explains your interest in CV politics.
Same old faces, same old results.
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