Someone opened the barn door and let the horses out for the 2010 races already. So let's have an open discussion here.
They are:
122 Assembly Seat
Rick Lucas, Lewis County Legislator
Ken Blankenbush, Jefferson County Legislator
Mike Behling, Jefferson County Legislator
Scott Burto, West Carthage Mayor
David Renzi, Attorney Watertown
Jessica Renzi
John Peck, Town of Champion Councilman
118th Assembly District
Nick Vaugh, Ogdensburg City Council
Phil Reed, Jefferson County Legislator
Josh Lynch, Waddington (former or current aid to Senator Brownback)
48th Senate District
Patty Ritchie, St. Lawrence County Clerk
Barry Ormsby, Jefferson County Legislator
Josh Lynch, Waddington (former or current aid to Senator Brownback)
23rd Congressional District (and these candidates will make their intentions known very quickly)
Paul Maroun, Franklin County Legislator
Matt Doheny, Alex Bay native, Watertown resident and area businessman
Doug Hoffman, Essex County, CPA, former Conservative candidate
Let primaries occur in these race that will separate the serious from the wannabees. A primary will show someone's time commitment to campaigning, financial resources, local support/volunteers and demonstrate their knowledge on the issues. The party leaders cannot be blamed again for "hand picking" someone, the voters must decide and will if a primary occurs.
Trump Says Putin Is ‘Destroying Russia’
1 hour ago
Wrong label - how about "An oh, shït moment?"
Hang on tight... here we go again... same old, same old.
Enough with politics, who gives a rats ass . Focus now on getting things done and improved . The problem with this incessant focus on politics AVOIDS responsibility of every citizen and elected official to work hard NOW to make this a better place .
Forget your STUPID political speculating for a while give it a DAMN REST----------ENOUGH , citizens are SICK of this nonsense
@Anonymous 12:50 - You're right that it's time to buckle down and get moving on fixing problems and improving things.
However, part of that is being strategic. With the next congressional (and a slew of other) elections coming up in just under a year, now is the time to lay the groundwork to challenge the status quo. It's a both/and.
But that's only if one wants to get anything done over the long haul, not just this week, month, or year.
Well interesting to see Nick Vaugh in the Times today and many other times. He has been outspoken on the issues against Addie Russell.
"Enough with politics..."
Isn't this a political blog?
I have been hearing Nick Vaugh for the 118th the Councilman from Ogdensburg.
Yepper: Put politics aside... for what, pray tell?
1. Get those in office that got there via the political process and strive on political favors (read: money from those who help put them in from outside and want favors now)
2. Or, "stock my coffer for 2010 and I'll pass your bill that benefits you and probably no one else ..." sorta stuff?
What a novel idea. Works for me. ©
Politics now becomes policy - accept that. It's a year-round process... don't forget that... maybe not for you - but damn sure for them.
This does not scare me a bit. I want to see the Republicans get organized, and make some wise choices so we Dems can then beat the crap out of a strong opponent. Please, let's not have any more scenarios where a Doug Hoffman type appears on Glenn Beck and signs a "I will be as crazy as you wish, in twelve different ways" pledge.
But then, perhaps I was the only one that felt embarrassed for all the good voting folks of the North Country. But, I don't think I was.
It is a hell of a way to get a win, but we will take.
Bill Owens was selected by the people of the 23rd. and not by nut jobs whose only interest is in a ratings war.
If you see Dede, PIV, thank her for preventing us in the two three from participating in one of the biggest political jokes of all time.
Patty Ritchie is gaining a lot of momentum with her license plate petition drive. If Patty is able to get funding and runs a good campaign she'll probably win. An anti-tax message can resonate: 2 of the 3 counties in the district went for Hoffman. Patty will also appeal to some St. Lawrence county voters for parochial reasons.
There are lots of grounds to attack Aubertine: massive tax and fee increases, cancellation of STAR rebate, the Senate deadlock, Aubertine's 100% NYC leadership voting record, etc.
Darrel is a nice guy but he voted for huge tax and spending increases when the state should be cutting spending and taxes. Patty needs to hammer away with the message that high taxes are driving jobs out of the state.
Sounds like Chris Mckenna one here. Save it chris.
Those folks mentioned for the 122 assembly seat have to much baggage, ATV coordinator, duct tapegate, and the other half, forget it.
I thought John Peck was interested in the 122nd?
What a pleasure. I came here thinking that Danny would hog the blog and he is a no show.
It's funny. The easiest way to avoid confusion would be for the Republican party leaders to publish a firm list of requirements and standards that are necessary to become a candidate of the Republican party. However, they won't do that because they have to be able to switch gears and abandon principles if polls show those principles are unpopular.
Whatever happened to Michael Steele's "hip-hop makeover" of the GOP? It was supposed to be "off the hook".
Yeah, bring on Burto. I'll show you a win by anybody else. Don't you people learn from anything?
Uh, he just showed.
4:08 - nope. I posted a few spots here as Anonymous, too, just like you, my friend.
To protect my good name and not hog the pool - LOL - at this spots:
12:00; 1:47; Tax list at 4:26 -
FYI - I guess you haven't figured out my style yet, have you? LOL
Hey 4:26 are you sure you didn't miss one???? God I didn't know there was that many.
OK PIV, I'll bite at this one:
112 - Blakenbush is the clear favorite, he's also the most qualified.
118 - Vaugh will get trounced by a likeable Russell, not to mention that he's lacking any real experience or movement behind him. Get a job, show you can be part of a team and we'll embrace you Nick, but not yet. Tom Nichols could be a candidate - he knows the issues.
48 - Ritchie is gaining a lot of good stuff with the petition, but is completely unknown in Jefferson and Oswego Counties. Ormsby, IDK much about. What about Graham Wise or Mike Backus, those are two young guys who I think could be good and have experience.
23 - IDK Maroun. Doheney everyone seems to like, but he's still tied to Wall Street - that makes for an easy slam from Dems. I would think that Dan French would be a good guy or perhaps Backus - I was surprised he didn't take a shot at it when McHugh resigned.
i live in the Burg Vaugh is a 20/21 kid with no real world fulltime job experience and lacks Gravitas ,
The Burg while he has been on the council has gotten worse not better.
Crimes up, UNEMPLOYMENT IS UP, AND this week they announced a 12.5% city budget increase for 2010 in a city where 73% of the property is off the tax roles . yOU HEARD IT RIGHT 27% OF THE TAXPAYERS PAY 100% of the tax load . Oh BTW the US BLS says the CPI is actually lesss thAN IN 2008 ,
Go to school Nick , get a job accomplish something then we'll listen
What about Phil Reed for the 118th? He's the only one who knows the issues and has the temperment to get elected. Vaugh is too young, not electable at this point and will lose his seat on the O'Burg city council because of his insistance on water meters - although he is right on that one.
Once again the GOP idiots in Albany are pushing Ritchie. They crafted her entire No New Plates campaign, built her website and write her press releases because SHE CAN'T DO IT!! Nor can she get elected to anything higher than County Clerk. She has reached her level of competence, or is it incompetence. Her BFF Hank Ford, SLC Conservative Chair, screwed himself with the Hoffman debacle, so he can't hold Patty's hand like last time.
None of the 122 possibilities you threw out are known at all in SLC. They're not viable up here and I doubt they could win.
Scozzafava will survive and get re-elected either as a GOPer or a Dem if necessary.
You heard it here first.
Been out of town, Dannie. No laptop here. Sorry. Only activity watchin' Yankees on Fox Fox.
27 time Champs.
9:21, i think david renzi is know from his state sente campaign last year.
Idk why people say Vaugh can't win or he's too young. Vaugh is 23 years old and owns his own business. We won't hold it against that he was close to matt Doheny. That could actually make it candidate that is well equpped with resources to battle the dem machine.
I'd like to see Jessica Renzi run for something, she's intelligent and sexy.
Ok some of your names would make good candidates but others have to be a joke.
118th- I think Nick has done well up here and would be a fresh new face. Phil would have trouble in the big county. Not know very well and from what I hear does very little in Jefferson County without someone holding his hand on the issues. You forgot one name that should be added. Josh Lynch. He was very impressive in the interviews, very young new blood and could do well.
122- Lucas?? Come on he has to much baggage. What would he have the state run the Roof top highway right by the Montague Inn?? Blankenbush and Behling are to much of the same old same old. I would like the other person to explain how Ken has the most experience?? What has he done as chairmen? Nothing has been accomplished over the last two years. He does nothing for your county. I don't even see him at events representing your county when I come down. Scott Burto would be something new and his name is known with all that going on in Carthage with sharing services and the whole school budget thing. He would have a little trouble with the job he had but it should help him now that he has left the county job.If he could just distance himself from his uncle Kent. David would also have trouble again after his other defeats. In St.Lawrence county we keep hearing Don Peck but with the way our budget is going he will start off with a black eye.
48th- Barry who??? Sorry never heard of him. Patty is getting a lot of play with the plate issue but how far will that take her. She won't decide if she is running til at least August and by then it will be to late. Once again I would say maybe Josh Lynch would be good to step in here and take a shot at Darrel. He spoke about good conservative values, he is a new face with energy, and has no prior voting record that they can hurt him with.
23rd- You know Hoffman will be back and if he don't win a primary I am sure he will stay on the conservative line and make it a three way race again. Paul Maroun was very good at the interviews, he understood the issues and spoke very well about them. I didn't trust on like Doheny. He came off as a cocky rich business man and I don't think that will play well in the election.
The positive thing is that the primaries will play out this time and the parties will get the candidate the majority of the voters want not who a select few want.
Good Luck to all the fun will start soon. Oh you forgot one name on the 122nd and 48th Scott Gray?? His turn for another run???
The way AJR has been handing out "PORK" no one will beat her, and were stuck with Ted as her advisor.
Rick Lucas? Seriously? Let's have Lewis County fund a study to see if he could win an election.
122nd--I still choose Lucas despite other negs. He has Jefferson and Oswego County ties and support.
48th--Why not Ormsby? He's "one of us" and has the 'everyman appeal' that might help counter the ignorant "aw shucks" of Darrell.
Backus??? wow....arrogance and temper would sink him like they hindered the campaign
Based on election results, your listing of Lucas first for the assembly could happen.
He seems to have the charisma to accomplish what he wants. Like him or not, he is a serious canidate. He may be the best our party has to offer.
Regarding the 122nd, I don't know who Don Peck is, but John Peck is a councilman from Champion (as PIV edited) who has been doing a good job since first being elected 8 years ago. He's young, knows the district, and has a good head on his shoulders: all strengths.
Ormsby????? Why did his wife spend all the money she got from the state???? No, No, No.
Everyone is tied to Wall Street just ask those that are close to retirement.
No the money she got from the state of NY for being duct taped to the chair. And you want him there, NO NO NO.
Wall Street.
Better off buying gold.
But then again if the sleazy stock market people steal your money again they can just get bailed out. Maybe next time you will too.
Uh, NOT. You'll just pay, just like last time.
Jessica Renzi???? Come on IV are you guys that desparate? Give me a break, she'd be almost as bad a candidate as her husband.
Patty Ritchie would be wise to step back and take a second look at what happened to Dede, a fellow RINO. Aubertine is much more conservative than Patty, cant we find someone as republicans who is right of the Democrat, have you forgotten what happened only 5 days ago already?
7:40, Aubertine is so conservative that he voted for this year's bloated state budget. And on what issues is Patty more liberal than Darrel? And are those issues really all that relevant when compared to economic issues? I would say as County Clerk most of her positions are unknown.
Had Dede been a solid fiscal conservative then she'ld probably be Congresswoman now. I think supporting the stimulus and card check were much more consequential in the collapes of Dede's bid than were her stance on abortion and same sex marriage.
7:14 is right about Dede re. stimulus and card check, but wrong about Patty Ritchie. We don't know where she stands on issues is because she doesn't know until some GOP flack in Albany tells her. Look at her Assembly campaign. All she did was smile and wimper about how the county clerk's office has expanded and does business for downstate car dealers. She can't explain her stance of the issues because she can't think that deep. Not her fault, just the way God made her.
Ritchie does have bachelor's degree in psychology so she should be able to articulate her stance on issues.
Ritchie could think deeply enough to beat scott gray and david renzi in the republican primary. but maybe that's not saying much.
1:37 - so you are saying that
Patty "One Issue" Richie would "psych" them out based on college major?
Would that be on her couch or theirs? LOL
1:37 - so you are saying that
Patty "One Issue" Richie would "psych" them out based on college major?
Would that be on her couch or theirs? LOL
It doesn't really matter who you vote into office, Owens wasn't a career politican, but he'll be schooled into the University of Incumbancy, Current grads are: Aubertine, Barclay, McHugh, Dede, to name a few, The voters need to take back their government from the monster AKA INCUMBANT POLITICANS.
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