The campaign was a mangled mess and it continues down the same road in the aftermath of her quitting.
Yesterday she departed the race in the best interest of the party - her words not mind - and today she continues the dive. She has clearly reached the anger stage and does not know how to manage it.
What is her future?
It is hard to believe she will remain a Republican and if she does make a move to the Democrats how does she reconcile - "I am a Republican, always have been and always will be a Republican" statement from the Hotline? She was critical of an opponent for not keeping his word.
Is she does remain a Republican it is hard to believe that she will escape next year's election cycle without a primary.
Trump Says Putin Is ‘Destroying Russia’
51 minutes ago
Dede backs OWENS -- ouch.
Her political carreer is over!
Dede bows out of the race and says it is for the best interests of the Republican party. One day later, she endorses a democrat who is her liberal equivalent. Obviously, the woman is a flake who cannot stand upon her own covictions as stated the previous day. You can't trust a politician like that. There are far too many like that in Washington already! I've voted for Dede in previous state elections. I will not be doing so again. This is a case of sour grapes. If the woman had a single conservative bone in her body, she woudn't be endorsing a flaming liberal. Perhaps she should get some counseling.
Nancy Martin (St. Lawrence County GOP Chair), Sandy Corey (ex-Jefferson County GOP Chair), Janet Duprey (Clinton County GOP Chair) and Jim Ellis (Franklin County GOP Chair) all must go! All of your are the problem, we are calling for your resignations!
HAHA seems we have smoked a snake out of the grass.Now her true colors shine bright,Seems Newt is not as smart as he thinks he is.Now I look forward to the next elect and we can replace her ass too.Along with a long long list!
Maybe it's the death of the major parties, Think about it the only party is the party of incumbancy.
Dede should resign
Just imagine all the people who ever ridiculed me about losing a race, etc ... Wow - now this?
The GOP humor is too much... I've gone through a whole box of Kleenex (tears of laughter)...
I was right on this one, PIV. Your blog, PIV has done us no good. I told you months ago what would happen if you helped in selecting Dede. I pointed out that your endorsement of her was the kiss of death. Dede is a fine person and served our party well and should have stayed where she was. Now, none of you will accept the responsibility for my party's decision to flirt with liberalism as you all plead ignorance.
Jefferson County GOP to Voters: Vote Hoffman OR ELSE. I can't think of a more opportune moment to decide not to be a Republican anymore and start voting for Democrats. Dede has the same views of the world that I have and she is not welcome by the party, so why should I vote for them. Reagan's big tent policy has now become the camp ground toilet, where idealistic demigods can flush away anyone who doesn't march in lock step with them. How sad is that?
Not sure what to tell you, but don't give me all the credit. I'm flattered you think I have that much power, but I don't.
Moderate GOPers can't run as moderate.
Conservative GOPers can only run as conservatives.
The GOP chiefs... torn between bad and good, or and good and nasty, or nasty and nasty.
This is fun just watching the GOP self-destruct. I wager they blame Obama for their demise?
GOP Fiasco... again?
It's interesting that this race is in a dead heat and all people can say is how dead and out of sync the Republican Party is. Nice spin and deflection. Wonder what some of Dede's donors think now? Can I get a refund?
Well......Dede has jumped ship. We all saw this coming. She should resign!! Her campaign was a total shambles!! Although I DO agree with "a few" of her Liberal Views, I have a hard time stomaching the fact that now, the local chapter of the K.K.K. will be endorsing Hitler, oops.......sorry, I mean Hoffman. He is even worse!!! Hell, he doesn't even live in the District. He has to move, if he gets elected.
I don't think it's an ouch, Dannie. I think it's more of an I told you so, from all the people who said a thousand times, both of them parties are alike. Tax and spend and crooked and in the pockets of special interests. Thanks Dede for telling us what you really are. You will never be elected to any political office again. I guess you could be a highway superintendent somewhere. We are badly in need of those.
What has any of this have to do with YOU, Dannie? Not much of anything has anything to do with you. You need some serious help.
Hang on for a minute folks.
I am a flaming liberal and you are right wing wackos. But one thing we all have shared here in the past is that we are all North Country Folks and have managed to work out our problems politically. And, when you look at the condition of our County, our Congressional District, and our little piece of New York State, we all have to admit that we have not done so badly. Case in point. Secretary of the Army, John McHugh.
But what we have going on here is an invasion far worse than our agreed upon downstate-upstate conflicts of the past. We have an outside-the-state push being made by very powerful media and political types who are using us and Doug Hoffman for their own political means. Doug Hoffman was not the choice of the Republican Party, Dede was. Without the outside "interests" and exploitation, it would have been a normal, perhaps close election between two capable North Country politicians.
But, as proven by the WDT's endorsement of Bill Owens, Doug Hoffman would be a disaster for the North. His favor list of repayment to the ultra-conservatives in this Country already exceeds any real good that he could do for us, Northern, NY.
citizens. He will spend his first six months on the talk shows of the 17 crazy talking heads that put him there and the next six months trying to figure out what Congress actually does.
With Doug Hoffman, we are dead in the water.
With Bill Owens, we still have a chance.
I agree with the last Anonymous. Dede should never be elected again, not even for Dog Catcher!! She has betrayed her Party to the Nth degree!!! She has NO spot representing the North a Republican. The hours are counting down, until we here Dede is now a Democrat. Or we can run Dan Francis, and put his bumper stickers on the FRONT of cars.......Run Danny Run!!!!!
Wiley, you say with Owens we "have a chance". Chance to do what? Spend some more? Go into debt more? Hire some more ACORN employees? Talk about "green energy" some more while giving gov contracts to connected folks? Lie more to old people about cutting their Social Security while doing nothing about it? Do more what, Wiley? What the hell are you talking about?
I know you're a party line kinda guy and you have to say what you're saying, but what are you basing this on?
I may just vote for HOFFMAN to get even with the DEMS ...
Then can I get a job with the GOP someplace?
"Not sure what to tell you, but don't give me all the credit. I'm flattered you think I have that much power, but I don't."
Then, my friend, your life, the way you act politically in public has been but a charade?
On more than one occasion, I have been given the impression by you that you do have the power.
LIke I said, you, and your negative approach to local politics have done us no good.
Doug Hoffman for Congress
Followed by opposition to all local Legislative positions.
R Wiley and others please understand 1 thing when you talk about outsiders in this race. Can we say Obama in NYC for $5000 a plate for Owens or Biden in the North Country or Bill Clinton in NYC. Dede was bought off. Read articles in newzjunkie A Cumo and J Oneil promised her big things if she backed Owens. It's All about where the buck stops and is sucks to be us little guys in the good Ol USA who get screwed. Remember 1 other thnig... in June 2010 it will be time to do this all over again so it realy doesn't matter who wins this time they probably will not be around for more than 1 year.
You should pay close attention to those issues you speak of.
Thanks for visiting and reading the blog!
Hey CL look where Dede got running a warm and fuzzy campaign. She is home on her couch.
Dan, you're not going to vote for Hoffman. You never would vote for an Elephant, much less a Conservative. You're a Donkey. I'll bet you've never voted for an Elephant, except in a campaign where it wasn't even close.
I'll betcha Hoffman wins this thing. I took a hundred mile drive today, looking for scenery, and all I saw was Hoffman signs. But who knows. I'm glad it's going to be over.
Tell ya what, Dan. Why don't you run against Dede next year in the primary, as an INDEPENDENT?
You want to stir up the soup a bit, that would do it.
9:48 - while on active duty, I voted for Nixon in '72 - but like every one who did, regretted it in '74.
I would have voted for Jerry Ford, too, had the chance arisen... I like him and think he got a raw deal... he was a very very experienced man (over 25 years in Congress)... RIP, Jerry Ford.
I always try to vote for the person I think is best...
Tuesday, really: I will write in my own name on the new ballot.
~ Dan Francis
Dede gave the GOP the payback it deserved after being thrown under the bus yet again. The party leaders, (NOT the 11 County Chairs mind you)wouldn't let her run in the special election for the 48th and the subsequent regular election either. She deserved to run for that seat. Now the Chair nominate her and the GOP doesn't bring the dollars, and does nothing to help her. She polls badly and they whisper that they are getting behind Hoffman. Enough is enough, she thinks and gets out - then backs the DEM.
Why on earth is she the double-crosser? Its been her party double-crossing her all along. Even giving her minority leadership as a consolation prize. But denying her a shot at anything but her present seat. She won't be heartbroken about her fellow GOPers shunning her. They've been doing it all along. She's got more integrity than all of them put together.
Dede always ran as a conservative downplaying her liberal position on abortion and gay marraige. "We" republicans overlooked those positions because we liked her. We do not like Owens (heck we don't even know him) so we won't overlook those positions when taken by Owens.
Dan, not sure what you mean in your comment (4:42) One can lose an election with class and one can lose an election and be labeled a loser for all other elections. Sometimes it is not the person's doing that gets him/her labeled one or another - just timing.
Other times, such as when one runs for everything and anything, other times we bring it on ourselfs by whining about why we lost - about how we were the better candidate etc.
Dede will be labeled a loser because she got beat by Hoffman (does anyone think Owens would have had a chance had the Conservatives didn't put up anyone?)and is now bent on revenge regardless of who she hurts. You dance with the one that brought you.
R Wiley, you are so right. Doug Hoffman is so far off the wall it is not even worth thinking about him being our district rep.
He will spend time on the talk shows because he appears to have a few loose screws and is an attention seeker.
The very thought of cutting of Fort Drum funding WILL BE THE FINAL NAIL IN OUR ECONOMIC COFFIN.
But then what does Doug Hoffman care? He has millons. Further, he is a typical conservative who has no clue about the middle class.
I wished we had the insight to endorse someone who understands the north country. Dan Francis. He can never be elected because he cannot get the money needed nor is he inclined to accept corprate donations.
Francis you are an insufferable egotist I see why you can't even get no minated now
9:22 -- you are flat out wrong...
"I am not motivated to maintain and enhance favorable views of myself as the center of my world with no direct concern for others."
How dare you label me that.
I always lead from the front just as the Marine Corps trained me to always do and I did.
If you can't do that, or accept that I can, then go to the rear of our column cover us as we withdraw from this ambush.
1. She is not a moderate republican - she is a liberal republican who has been outed as a closet democrat.
2. She has no future because the only folks who will vote to re-elect her to the dysfunctional NYS Assembly are her family, her thug husband's union cronies and however many dead vote the Chicago sleeze in teh white house can drum up for her
3. The North Country will make a statement to the rest of the US tomorrow - we will take the first step in regaining our country and its core values from the likes of Pelosi, Frank and Obama - we will send Doug Hoffman to congress
Her political career is OVER. She might want to just move to California & be Pelosi's next door neighbor. I will NEVER vote for that woman and to think I was thinking about it in the first place. Ouch. Dede showed us her yellow side. COWARD
I am so glad we have an opportunity to see the real DeDe. This makes my decision for the next election so much easier. I will vote for anyone other than her. I truly believe we will see that Pelosi has violated law in procurring DeDe's endorsement of Owens. How sad a member of the assembly could sell her endorsement!
8:08 I don't think the Pelosi thing was illegal. Bribing an office holder isn't exactly news anymore, especially someone of Pelosi's stature. The shame of it all is we tolerate it. Dede should be forced to resign her position, now. But to many, just like the Dannie's of the world, she is the correct political party, so they will overlook her complete lack of personal standards.
I always wondered why NYSUT endorsed her. I'm sure she already had her deals made with them as well. The taxpayers in this state don't stand much of a chance, unless they stick together.
8:08 and 9:54... not illegal at all ... our incumbents do it all the time... it's called "campaign contributions and ACCESS."
They write the rules - they can break the rules (that protect them).
This story makes my analogy a bit more realistic ...
Equal Justice Under Law or ????
Dannie, I didn't say it was illegal. In your haste to read your own words you neglected to read the previous post.
Calm down. I always worry about the safety of those around you.
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