Was Dede forced out of the race from someone above?
Likely not, the decision was most likely a result of the true blood and guts of politics.
You often hear politics is a blood sport or a contact sport, well that along with the fact it is a very expensive sport, especially if you are 15 points down heading into the final stretch. The decision by Dede to quit this race is a result of all of these factors; she was short on cash and was ravaged by her opponents - both Owens and Hoffman and lagging in the polls.
If this decision came from on high, then there would have been a negotiated deal for her to endorse Doug Hoffman within 12 to 24 hours. She has not endorsed Doug Hoffman and the WDT even reports the contrary. This is after a campaign worker appeared to the people shortly after Dede quit and encouraged people to make phone calls and go door to door to assist ... whom ... well, the staffer even had a difficult time answering this until he said for the Republicans to beat the Democrat.
This was just another typical misstep of the campaign that was poorly organized, poorly managed and poorly executed. Candidate and campaign staff never appeared to be on the same page, even after she quits the race - her support heads one way and her staff heads another.
Is this an indication that Dede may switch parties? She was accused of that during this campaign and she fervently denied it, even saying on the Hotline "I am a Republican, I have always been a Republican and will always be a Republican."
But, Dede quits this race and leaves the GOP a departing gift from her campaign.
UPDATE: Daily News reports (here) her preference to support Owens was for card check - that would also be the issue that is arguably her greatest downfall in the campaign that branded her a liberal. One person after another said they were not one or two issue (abortion and same sex marriage) voters, yet they identified card check as an issue that solidified in their minds that she was too left of center for them to support her. She is ratifying their thoughts.
Trump Says Putin Is ‘Destroying Russia’
1 hour ago
Let this be a warning to you Dede and all you fake republicans that support her..you will be primaried for assembly!
nice bird on a blog of a county rep. thats what weve come to expect from this area.
Dede should give the GOP a big FU. Buncha backstabbing a-holes. I'm voting for Owens because he's the closest thing to a moderate left: An Independent who took the Democratic nomination over a clueless ultra-right-wing idealogue.
Elephant fight - Elephant fight - not cat fights available, so this one will do...
* GOP Elephant (in the middle or slightly left of the herd) suddenly goes into a rage and starts to stomp on the Conservative Elephant, that is until they want to run as a Conservative Elephant later on...
“GOP revenge like Klingon revenge is best served cold.”
Go Unions – yea OWENS ... LOL
GOD, this is great entertainment.
It was nothing personal against Dede. It was the timing of the thing. Look at our man Jim Wright. No one spent like that guy. But people are wising up the this spending thing. They've been sobered up by the Great One, and they know it can't go on. We respect Dede, we just have to go with more conservative politicians. Owens would be a step backward, but the way things shake out, he could still win. There are lots of folks on government pensions and payrolls who are afraid to shake up this train.
I am surprised to see so many dunderheads in my backyard. It is more critical than ever that we fight against this runaway government's pellmell rush to take the American people into enslavement. We must restore our government to the prinicples of democracy and set more stringent controls over its penchant to disenfranchise the American people of their ability to have a voice and effect in the governmental process. Healthcare isn't the beginning onslaught but it is the most visible. We have to defeat it. Having said that, the Democratic Congress has been busy making other secret deals quietly stealing more of your freedoms and rights away. If we have to clean house in Congress and start over, we are going to have to reach deep, find the moral courage and fiber to do just that. While we dither, the wolves are encircling the camp, waiting for the campfires to go out so they can come in and devour us. We aren't in an isolated battle - we are in a full-scale war for our survival as a nation of free people and our government has sold us out! Doug Hoffman is the only person in this race that may make a difference. Likely not but most of you guys seem to want to continue down the democrats road to destruction just out of spite. Maybe NYC values do flow uphill.
The card check issue is fun because Congressmen McHugh was a sponsor on the bill but no one card about that.
2:59 PM
You are wrong about no one caring.Problem is no one knew what it meant till it was to late.I will say again our gov't is selling us out. The Ds and the Rs and if the people don't wake up and unite and forget the party bulls*** we are done!They are keeping us fighting between ourselves and doing as they wish for thier own benefit and we are paying for it.
Doheney is a liberal? He may not be a tea party guy, but that's news to me... Any reasons why you think that way?
Doheny is absolutely not a liberal. That is almost funny. The Conservative Party has stated that they would have endorsed him had he won the nomination. Why a liberal? Because he is pro-choice? He has said that he would never support partial birth abortion or public funding for abortions. Nevermind the fact that he is against gay marriage, fiscally conseravtive and in general, in favor of small government and low taxes. That doesn't sound like a liberal to me. Get your facts straight.
Another sore topic that could be raised is the money, what little she has, that Dede received from willing Republican donors. Is she going to give that money back to the donors much less to the Republican Party at any level??? Many people knew before this race began even before a Republican candidate was selected that this was going to be a race based on ideology and a candidates ability to reflect the growing concern and dieschantment with the runaway Obama/Pelosi spending spree. In the olden days both the NYS government and the federal government were actually concerned with how much debt they were accumulating. What the hell happened??? The only thing the current politicians are concerned with now is maintaing power, i.e. Sheldon Silver, or expanding government bureaucracy and the socialized state of democracy, i.e. Obama, Pelosi, et. al. It is time for a revolution in how our government looks and it starts with fiscal responsibility and for the states in the union to flex their muscle and tell the federal government NO! The USA is comprised of the several states, not the slef-righteous politicians who believe that the federal government is an entity to itself that is accountable to nobody. Let this race be the beginning to the House cleaning that is drastically needed next year.
8:44 PM
Your a wise man John Q. something I have not witnessed much of on this blog.Where ya been?
Who the hell is this John Quincy guy, and where has he been? Interesting points.
I agree with you. These politicians need to be removed. Now they're about to give us a bs health plan that few of us want and none of us can afford, because they know what is best for us. But then again they always have.
I would love to see every last one of them, from Albany to Washington, be replaced. Imagine, no more payoffs, no more bribes, no more back door deals, no more jobs for their friends. They might even have to get a job and provide for their own healthcare and retirement. No more special mortgages, no more whores, ..the list is endless. Could you imagine the crying. They would all need counseling.
dede should live in cape vincent
She might have to move there after this. She could provide her own wind.
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