One of the many issues the Scozzafava campaign had was raising enough money in order to balance media campaign, respond to the attacks and get their message out. In the era of heavy media marketing of candidates when the money dries up so does your poll numbers.
Politics is a game of attrition and it takes money.
This may be some indication of why the money dried up!
Trump Says Putin Is ‘Destroying Russia’
58 minutes ago
All from the same household, I presume?
12:57 "Yeah, dumb-ass teabaggers." Thanks for showing it like it is we have jerks on both sides of the coin. Point taken moving on...
Always ends up with name calling with you Libs doesn't it. You should be happy rinos and the conservatives are fighting. Real problem is you know who is gonna win control of the republican party. They call it the Right for a reason. Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Not only this IVY story, but the proposition that "The truth always comes out..." is illustrated here in this story.
Not Connected to Dede, but a good illustrative story...
These letters just show the mentality or lack thereof of the tea party supporters. BTW, can anyone tell me when the last tea party approved candidate won a general election (outside of the South)? Can anyone spell regional party?
2:24 Can we say New Jersey, Ohio, Virgina in 2009 and NNY in 2010. We are awake and bringing back America to our founding principles.
Nancy Martin created this mess. She has to go!
Hey 2:42 You are proving my point. Christie in NJ is no tea-bagger, in fact he beat out two more conservative Republicans to win the primary. He is also pro-choice and for civil unions for same sex couples. As far as VA, which last I checked is in the SOUTH, the Republican that won there made it a point not to let the evangelicals hijack his campaign. From all accounts it was a positive, some say "hope filled' campaign on his part. With regard to NNY, liar Doug lost. It was in all the papers. Just so you know.
speaking of RINOS when are the Republicans on the Jefferson County Board going to follow the lead of St. Lawrence County Democrats and start to control county spending?
St. Lawrence county legislators actually voted to cut their own pay.
Hey 4:57 you got it right, local elephants are only concerned with frugal spending habits on a national level, Locally it's business as usual, whether it's whose going to get a "special" county job, To what parking lot we will build, whose road will be repaved in what township, or how much money can be poured into the county airport.
Our founding principles? You mean like "women have no right to vote? we could own slaves? schools could be segregated? presidents could serve forever? or how about immigration - many of the founders were anti-immigration ... they said it would cause turmoil and unrest.
etc. etc.
Speaking of "love letters" I have a question: How do you spell hypocrisy? Oh, that's easy:
The Republican National Committee’s health insurance plan with Cigna covers elective abortion
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) records show the RNC purchases its insurance from Cigna.
Two sales agents for the company said that the RNC’s policy covers elective abortion.
That would be what they DO NOT want for any other person in America who is "pro-life," I surmise... or just DEM women who have members in Congress that they need a "No" vote from on the final healh care bill?
* One hates to post this stuff, but gosh - facts are facts, right?
HAHA thats funny I am going to do that from now on with the solicitations I get.From both parties,it will be less junk to burn.
That's a pretty dumb comparisan between a private health insurance converage sysytem and one financed by tax dollars. Dannie, I'd expect such dufus thought from you.
Dan, what private concerns to for their employees about certain kinds of coverage is their business. As a taxpayer, I don't wnat my money being used to profit abortion mills. You comparison is really apples and organges.
Yes. St. Lawrence County Legislators cut their own pay.
Did you realize that after that resolution passed the next order of business was to make sure their pay was restored after 2010? That way they don't have to vote themselves a raise during next years budget process. Smoke and mirrors.
I would have taken them seriously if they all agreed to work for $1 next year, but this was nothing more that political grandstanding.
You're missing the point, 3:32. Judging by your entries I would have to say you're doing so on purpose. The influence of the teabag boys is being felt everywhere. Candidates may not win every time, but they're all moving in the same direction, which can't be anything but good for the country. We can no longer spend money we don't have, no matter how much you and yours love the cause involved. If we keep this up, we will never be able to respond to any need our nation or our community has. Everything will be focused on paying the debt. No matter what side of the line you live, we all lose then.
And Dannie, please try to keep your thoughts relevant to the last few decades or so. You're so boring.
1:29 - you missed the point entirely... the BL is who is "hypocritcal about the issue of a woman's right to choose ..."
Please get more sleep and come back when you are fully rested.
3:48 - my thoughts and posts are generally up-to-date ...
remember, "Those who forget mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat it."
Thanks for playing anyway.
That's high level stuff, Dannie. I can see why you excelled in Education. That thing about forgetting history..doomed to repeat it deal was very cutting edge. I have never heard that before.
Hey 8:50 we need to tell the media, but this is just like Jefferson Co. those folks get mileage, and 3% raise every year. I guess it could be worse it could be FREE GAS. Nice to see the "special prosecuter" did her job.
Dan got three hours credit in an education class just for repeating that line.
9:53 - yepper and it went with my other 28 hours for my M.S. Ed, too. And, I was 40 years old when I finished that sheep skin (on the GI Bill might I add)...
And from USC nonetheless? GO TROJANS...
"Love letters?" I'd hate to see the hate mail... but I have a few myself - maybe I will scan and post a few? naw on second thought ... someone might recongize the handwriting?
Wow, 28 graduate credit hours in memorizing simple little phrases. It's a wonder you didn't work hard for a few more months and pick up a couple PhDs.
What is your take IV, you were a Dede lover and a Hoffman hater one month ago, give us your take on Dede.
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