Hoffman opens a huge lead according to Public Policy Polling (here)
Independents have swung by large numbers toward Hoffman 52-30, which is not surprising because this is the same swing the Great O is seeing in his polls number. O is losing independents by the bus load.
Hoffman is at 51% to 34% for Bill Owens and 13% for Dede Scozzafava in the poll
conducted over the weekend. In a two way contest against Owens, Hoffman holds a 54-
38 advantage.
Dede Scozzafava had a 52% unfavorable rating in the district. She likely has higher unfavorable ratings among Republicans given her recent actions.
To Do List:
6:00 AM Vote
8:45 PM Make Popcorn
9:00 PM Watch Election Results
11:59 PM Review Results, Prepare for 2010 Congressional Race
Tomorrow we will see a great victory for Conservatives. Doug Hoffman will put an end to earmarks. The foolish spending and pork at Fort Drum, too. Its about time. Take Fort Drum and the trash with you. Finally, a victory for the real good Christian Americans.
Anonymous here does not speak for Christian America. Being one - I fully support Doug Hoffman AND Ft. Drum and all they do for this country.
Are you talking about the same Doug Hoffman who thought an earmark that would benefit the hospital that he serves as a board member was okay... just wondering.
What a recless statement about Fort Drum. If we should be spending any money on anything in this country it is so that our men and women in uniform have the best possible resources, training, equipment and necessary infrastructure to fight our enemies.
They keep us safe and I for one believe through whatever process is deemed necessary they should get full funding. Earmarks, line item budgeting...who cares - just do what is right.
I hope you sleep well tonight 7:59, know that someone else is watching over you so that you can type stupid stuff like that.
No more unopposed, either. Enough of the free wheeling spending on crap like JCC. Doug will give us our country back and with that will come new opposition to County spendthrifts. Reduce spending, lay off 10% and let's take a look at some of the benefits in health and retirement you pols suck from the system. What gives you the right to take our money and line your pockets?
Go, Doug Hoffman
Awful, just awful..It's people like that who are voting for Hoffman...I hope you are proud of yourself yourself 7:59, you ritious scumbag. I hope you get cornered by rapist terrorists and no one from the drum comes to your rescue. Hahaha!
That post about taking Fort Drum away and the insult to good Christians won't scare us. Hoffman is a veteran too and he will win because people in the center are afraid, very afraid of the left wing having free reign over both the Democratic party and the country as a whole.
Go ahead, Anonymous. You don't have to use euphemisms. When you say "Take Fort Drum and the trash with you" you really mean "the blacks" dontcha?
Oh and Doug Hoffman will not put an end to earmarks. He will be a nothing player in DC. He may put an end to earmarks in NY 23, which will do nothing but further depress the economy up there.
I would wonder what Hoffman thinks of the one new industry to go up there in decades, Maple Ridge Wind, but he is so clueless about the District he is about to represent that I doubt he knows it exists.
I am hopeful Dede Scozzafava's supporters will support Owens as he is the best choice to represent the citizens of the 23rd district. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? Jobs, health care, education, running a fiscally responsible government are more important issues than voting based on one's views on abortion or gay rights.
Can't you tell when posters are trying to bait you? They're scared to death of Hoffman who is not afraid to stand up to the plate. Their scare tactics will undo them in this district.
Now the baloney against Christians starts. And crap about Ft Drum. Calm down, people. What we're hoping for is a guy who will question spending money. Someone who will look Naaancie in that hardened face of hers and say no. Maybe even someone who will ask a question of the Great One.
Asking questions and saying no is not the end of the world. Good people have been known to do that. I'll bet, if you think back, your mom and dad did the same thing. It was before the days of 'why the hell not it's just someone else's money'. Long ago. Everything was in black and white then.
Hoffman won't be able to have much effect on abortion. That's not up for debate at present anyway and the country is not ready for gay marriage, civil unions maybe. What he will bring is understanding of business and finance and how both effect the survival of our country.
To the first poster:
I doubt you're a Christian.
You're probably a bitter Dede supporter trying to smear Hoffman in a last ditch effort to sway the vote.
I am a Christian and a Hoffman supporter and support Fort Drum and the soldiers 100%!
And most of us do, nice try. get lost.
I think Dede's turn coat will only help Hoffman.
Go ahead "Repubs" vote for the turn coat liberal known as Dede the liar. Endorsed by the commies at the Working Party Families, endorsed by Barry's favorite voter fraud group Acorn, endorsed by the unions who have single handily have down more to flush this once great state down the toilet, and vote for the liberal that had to call the police on a reporter for daring to question her on her actually politics when the wind is not blowing. Seems pretty clear now right repubs who supported Dede, she was a liberal not courageous enough to run as one and now she is gone. Good riddance coward. And now Blow Hard General Joe is in the north country reminiscing about his plagiarizing days at SU. How cute. The same General Joe along with Barry while campaigning under the shadow of Fort Drum who stated the surge in Iraq would not work and did not work. That's how liberals roll, being the great military "supporters" they are. If you like the direction of NYS and this country, keep voting liberal our dummied down electorate at it's finest.
it's worth contrasting that ppp poll with today's siena poll, which also shows hoffman leading owens, but by a much smaller margin of 41-36 (with 6% for dede and a whopping 18% still undecided).
as josh marshall (to whom piv has approvingly linked!) has noted, ppp is expecting a more republican-friendly electorate than siena, which i guess is the source of the disparity.
my own guess is that hoffman wins fairly comfortably -- my sense is that his base is way more motivated, and passion counts, especially in low-turnout, off-year elections. but i also thought when the campaign got underway that dede would win in a cakewalk, which shows you what i know!
Hoffman leading? Oops, this wasn't supposed to happen.
Thus Anonymous wonders what it will be like on PIV when all the other posing Democrat Operative Anonymous posters that try to incite religious and racial tension leave after the election. I mean Dan Francis is at least articulate for goodness sake.
I talked to 200 voters yesterday, one at a time, and over 150 are undecided. What they say today is meaningless.
You all gotta relax.7:59 is very likely a acorn representative.We were warned they were coming. The demonstration in front of the church on sunday smells of acorn also.Don't forget these people are desperate Nancy is pissed.Barak is in a tizzy the seiu has not performed up to it's cost.Pole Smokin joe had more secret service than supporters. I would'nt be surprised if they are out burning crosses tonight.OOPs sorry I forgot no more fires in NY.Communists hate fire!
A lot of folks gonna be in tears tonight aas others jump for joy - Joy! Look out.
Dan, what does that supposed to mean? Please get a life.
After this we can get back to
Fox News, Fox News, as we're supposed to.
Hoffman has a 55 chevy, vote for him.
That's reason enough for me.
I think this may be the last ppp poll anyone pays attention if the early results hold up.
10,200 absentee ballots. This is going to be a mess. I give the edge to the Donkey lawyers. And the Gov made sure the military votes won't be counted.
Congrats to Rep Owens.
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