JC - 15 Race
Challenger Anothony Doldo is only down by 8 votes to long time incumbent Jim St. Croix.
This race is headed for a recount due to the closeness.
Trump Says Putin Is ‘Destroying Russia’
55 minutes ago
"A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is big enough to take away everything you have"
Thomas Jefferson
I don't if that's a good thing, I mean it's always brought up about being the only democrat on the board, but I don't think it matters the whole board has no clue.
15-0 (GOP / Dem)... democracy at work.
I really can't understand that one. This area is NOT Republican dominated any more. I think it's mostly a matter of who is in there, incumbancy and all.
Chuckle- Drake from Theresa must be a very effective Dem, since you idiots don't even know he exists.
From the County Website:
County Legislator ( 4th District)
Reported/Total Districts: 9/ 9 --- Reported: 100%
Candidates Votes
Allen Drake (D) 1,062 Votes
There are two Dems on the board. The comment by 8:27 pm blogger only shows that he is the one who is clueless.
Democracy at work?? The only reason we have the current arrangement, and not "weighted voting" is that someone took the county to court.
We should go back to the old system so a good man like Ron Taylor could get together with a couple of friends and control the whole dang process.?.....2010 census is expected to show 25% of county's population in the Town of LeRay...thus 25% of the weighted votes to one man...the other 75% split among 33 others.
Ok, we can call everybody clueless and idiots, but I really don't understand how this system currently works. Mr Graham entry raises some questions to those of us who don't follow it closely. You know, rather than throw 'I'm smarter than you Dannieisms', I would appreciate it if someone would do some background info on how it's set up. No way am I going to buy the paper to hear slant. Thanks.
Well 12;24 Mr. Drake was chosen by AJR, Ask any Democrat, it was her pick, One thing I don't understand is the airport, the county wants to increase the runway, so we can have bigger planes, and at the Ft. Drum airport they want commercial planes to land there. And yes 10:15 you are right there is only one Party in this county, the party of incumbancy.
Hey 6;35, Wasn't Drake cross-endorsed by the GOP????
Before we even think about a close race and who will get the seats, we have to think about the decisions they will face. Tomorrow night's Jefferson County Board meeting, to Jefferson County taxpayers, will be one of the most important meetings in recent years.
The Board will be facing two decisions which will indicate the direction our County takes as foreign wind developers, operating with huge government subsidies move to turn Jefferson County into a large wind factory.
The Board will have to make a decision on a power line plan that could lead to an eminent domain land grab. And they will have to make a decision on a Galloo Island PILOT which many taxpayers feel is a raw deal. A precedent-setting raw deal, I might add as the rest of the County Towns are in line to be hosed over by the foreign wind companies, too.
Many taxpayers are putting faith in our County Legislators that both of these deals either get voted down or the County Board considers a county wide moratorium until Sept. 1 (for the benefit of seasonal taxpayers) to give all parties concerned time to get caught up on what many citizens don't know about turning Jefferson County into a giant factory.
Wiley: good run down - are there any legislators here today or stopping by before their meeting and expected votes on those two issues? If take heed:
The higher taxes that will come to subsidize tax breaks for developers of the Galloo Island Wind Farm (PILOT deal) is a lousy deal for taxpayers, and it will get worse.
History of PILOTs: Preferential treatment for developers are meant to foster job growth (* but seldom deliver in full).
The wind farm will generate a handful of permanent jobs beyond the short-term construction work.
Businesses, farmers and homeowners will have to live with the consequences of the wind farm and related transmission line passing through some of the best farmland in the county without the benefit of cheaper, reliable power generated in their backyard at their expense.
Besides the nearly $23 million in tax abatements, Upstate NY will reap a taxpayer-funded windfall from the federal government. The developer and JCIDA are pushing for quick approval of the PILOT so Upstate NY can cash in on a 30 percent subsidy from the federal Treasury for development costs, if some of the turbines are built by the end of next year.
Beyond the PILOT for the wind farm’s construction, another anticipated tax break agreement would let Upstate NY avoid paying mortgage recording and sales taxes on the $153 million transmission line needed to connect the wind farm to the power grid. More lost revenue for the county, town and state.
In fairness to taxpayers, the county should reject this tax giveaway.
My Note: It will probably pass, why? Always betting on "the maybe, possible, and jobs" sells well with incumbents, unless they are a DEM President and Congress who needs support. Happens all the time.
From a November 13, 2009 WDT Editorial - and they are correct.
Good Post Dan, Hopefully the full county will vote this horrible deal down, don't the the JCIDA sweet talk you, VOTE NO.
Anonymous said...
Hey 6;35, Wasn't Drake cross-endorsed by the GOP????
November 22, 2009 11:06 PM
Um...... can you read
"Allen Drake (D)"
Do you see an (R) after his name?
No, the GOP did not cross endorse. Take another toke, zippy.
All I know is I don't want anything. No nukes, no coal, no wind, no dams for hydro, no electric lines, no plants of any kind. And I agree with Dan. Get as much taxes we can out of anything or any company that moves in here so we can spend that money on stuff. Hopefully, stuff for Dannie.
Dan and I are in total agreement. I really am tired of this argument. Say no, get it over with. But keep them companies out of here FOREVER. I don't want to think about it again and again and study it again and again and bribe the pols again and again. Make a decision and be done with it. Then shut up about it, FOREVER.
So why didn't the repubs put someone against him??? previously they put up Ms. Corey,2 times against AJR. could it be his beer swilling buddy saved him from a contested race???
Anon 10:41:
God, your thick. Corey ran once, not twice.
So the repubs missed one race out of 15 and it's a big conspiracy? What about the 10 races the dems took a pass on?
All 10 republicans must have been protected by their democratic beer swilling buddies, right?
Hey DF and the rest of the uninformed or miss informed. The JCIDA is not pushing or pulling the wind pilot issue. The County Legislators in 2008 requested the JCIDA develop a pilot which The County, Towns, and Schools could use as a possible template. The taxing jurisdictions are the only ones in Jefferson County who pass pilot agreements. As with the idiots in Washington, if you don't like their decisions, vote them out.
No, Corey ran 2 times, against AJR.
2:05 - "vote 'em out..." Ha...
I have one vote - how many do you have?
Can't necessarily vote 'em out... vote 'em, in is easy - but vote 'em out... a tough row to hoe.
No, Corey ran 2 times, against AJR.
You are absolutely wrong, check your facts please, Corey ran only once.
AJR beat Fikes and then ran against Corey
Here's my guess, the County Leg folks vote the PILOT in, The Donald was at the helm, The Shadow govt. rules.
Whatever we can get out of the wind companies, you can bet it won't be enough for the school and county and towns that are going to eat that free money. Why don't we start from the other direction. Instead of skewering the developers as much as possible without killing the program, lets just ask the teacher union and the individual government entities how much they gotta have, then give the wind mill boys the bill. It'll save time and bs and public posturing. And we won't have to hear from any of the know it alls about how we didn't screw the windmillers enough.
Evvvverybody be happy.
Surely you jest??? The Teachers union give something up?? Teachers in other states like North Carolina, don't get the high wages like NYS, It's funny though most teachers and School Administrators retire to the south, all the time telling us how important it is to spend all of our money on education, then they move to the southern states where their taxpayer funded will go farther.
If the PILOT is so good for Jefferson county how come the bulk of the profit goes back to Sweden or Denmark or wherever the windmill makers are from?
You're right 2:45. That's why I don't want anything getting built around here. No nothin'. No wires, no plant, no dams, no windmills, no nothin'. I'm with you. All the money goes back to some little guy in Sweden or Spain who is livin on the beach with one of our girls. We all know that. It's about time we stood our groud.
The PILOT is good for the county, the Donald said so, The IBEW said so, all the questions have been asked, except it's not good for the taxpayer.
I forgot, in addition to no plants, dams, businesses, windmills, etc, no PILOTS. We don't want nothin' here in NNY. Any deal we make is a bad deal. No deal with anybody for anything. I'm with ya all the way.
Nice to hear the JCIDA is in the business of funneling pension credits to various economic development agencies in the county, and you thought it was just the Renzi bros.
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