Patty "Plate" Ritchie who began the petition drive to stop the new license plate program looks like she will score a victory against the Senate Democrats' proposal.
Of course, in sort of a John Kerry "I was for it before I was against it" there are some Senate Democrats who voted for it and are now claiming they were against it, but it is strange how they never spoke in opposition to it before or after it passed until all the pressure mounted.
Paterson: I'll reverse license plate fee...
Assembly will say "no" to new license plates fees too
Senate Democratic letter against the new license plate fees
$25 license plate fee may be dropped...
The last article includes this stellar quote:
were trying to at least put it on the table to get it off the table,"
Drew Mangione, spokesman for North Country Sen. Darrel Aubertine, said
of the plea.
Say What????
Trump Says Putin Is ‘Destroying Russia’
57 minutes ago
Finally, Darrel Aubertine is getting called out for being completely and utterly unqualified to be a NYS Senator.
PS - Nice quote have to get your masters for that one? Hope you used NYS Tuition Reimbursement.
Who is this mystery party that keeps raising taxes and coming up with all these lame ideas to get more money instead of controlling spending. We all know who you are even if you refuse to admit it and we will let you know how we feel come election time.
I know you say that Patty Ritchie started the drive, but in reality it was Senator Libious and the RSCC, report the facts IV...
You want to know how involved Ritchie actually was in this petition drive??
Senator Libious: Hi Patty, would you like us to create a website for you so you can beat up Darrel and use your office for a political attack so we dont have to have our names attached to it? And would you like to run against Darrel for the Senate next year?
Ritchie: Sure Senator Libious, as long as I dont have to do any real work.
Senator Libious: No problem, the Senate Republicans will do all the work for you and let you take credit for it.
Ritchie: Awesome, sign me up then.
If the license plates plan is dropped then Patty will have accomplished more with her petition than Darrel has in his entire time in the state legislature.
2:42, how do you know how liberal Patty is? So long as she fights the NYC big spenders then Patty will be a vast improvement.
DAMN! I just ordered a special yellow and blue car!
As long as your yellow and blue car was paid for by the Great One who the hell cares? Git it. Don't change the oil, and leave it at the side of the road. Someone else is paying for it.
What a country.
We're all gittin' free washin' machines and fridges in the spring. HooooooHa...
I would'nt get to exited about saving 25$ The state still needs revenue.They just need another idea maybe something not so stupid?Perhaps you could still pass vehicle inpection with engine light on for $100 maybe?Or hire 1-2 hundred more cops and put them on full alert for seatbelts,soft tires,loud pipes and blown lights?all money makers.I see 2-10 troopers a day and I'm in the sticks.
Speaking of "scoring."
No one can top this appeal. She just keeps on getting more and more attention.
Dede, the MSNBC Verb
Hey 8:02, you're right, the City of Syracuse just got $300,000.00 to enforce the seat belt law, Oh No sorry that was last year this years plum to be picked by the Troopers is Cell Phones, but the enforcement takes place on OT only. Pad the retirement.
Linking to that show is pretty lame, Dannie. I tried to watch it the other day. I usually give it a try once a week to see if it changes. It doesn't. It's a long, sarcastic, one-sided monologue.
I'm sure you find it balanced.
Her ratings would suggest you're almost alone.
The license plate deal is SMALL time action ----There are Much bigger fish to fry in a budget that has a 3 billion dollar gap. Address the larger more strategic issues .
I'm not excited by saving $25 when my school taxes and property taxes have Exceeded the CPI for several years
it's sad that we bitch about 25$,That.s wasn't worth the trip to Albany. Cost more to go there and back, unless the county paid for it. Real smart
Geeez dan you still watching that drivle. You know that really explains alot about your ideas and thinkins.Come over to the path of enlightenment danniboy. The truth will set you free.
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