NY -23
Hoffman is "un-conceding the race for NY-23 (here), which means all is in play until the election results are certified. Ho Hum - big deal, that is the case anyway whether he conceded or not, while statistically possible it is highly improbable the results will change. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt and an opportunity to keep a Hoffman candidacy for a 2010 race in the public's view and it also keeps Owens' vote for the Pelosi health care plan in the public arena for debate and puts him on notice that his every move is under even more scrutiny than usual.
It is time for Hoffman and Scozzafava both to move on and get over it, the race is over and enough post mortem already.
Are the Senate Democrats miscalculating the state deficit issue? Governor Paterson is attempting to address the state deficit with a real plan while he continues to look like a lame duck Governor. It is clear his days in office are numbered, he is having to spend money now on an advertising campaign just to raise his favorable ratings a meager percent or two and maintain any resemblance of being a viable candidate.
But, the Senate Democrats appear to be ignoring him and viewing him as a liability in this crisis, which could be a serious miscalculation on their part. They could and are likely to be viewed as do nothing Democrats and the media is already rolling out story after story on their lack of action and lack of any plan to address the deficit.
The Senate Democrats should not make this a referendum on the Governor's popularity, they need to do their own job or they will spoon feed their opponents an issue and pay the price with the electorate in the next election cycle.
Trump Says Putin Is ‘Destroying Russia’
55 minutes ago
iv, do you have Ritchie for Senate sign out yet?
Bit Tid:
She just keeps on getting more and more attention and will thrive on it? You betcha'.
Dede, the MSNBC Verb
Nobody seems to want to hear this, but the solution is to vote everyone of these clowns out of office, from Governor to local Highway Superintendent.
P.S. Hoffman Wins!
I have an idea let's throw all the state senators out of office and randomly pick 62 names out of the phone book. We'ld probably more competent representation then wwe have now.
"P.S. Hoffman Wins!"
WTF? Wins what? Surely not the 23rd race. Heard liar Doug on Beck yesterday. What a loser. Talk about a guy without a clue.(Well I guess that could be either Beck or Hoffman). That being said, can all the contenders go back to their corners and shut up. The election is OVER. Move on -- Get a life!
Election isn't over till the state ratifies it. Get a clue.
Next week: Doug, who?
It's nice that Owens got to vote on the Health Care Bill, We've been Pelosied.
The GOP's first political response to any financial crisis or economic problem, etc. is: to CUT TAXES...
Okay, fair enough - scenario time:
1. Joe X loses his job - his company moves to China or India.
2. Joe's old company starts earning huge new profits with this off-shore move due to reduced labor/don't have to pay Joe benefits/and wages are 2/3 of what Joe used to make.
3. Joe has no income.
So, if taxes are cut, whose taxes are cut?
A. Not Joe's: He lost his job and income and ergo: has no taxes to pay or therefore, none to be cut.
B. Joe's old company CEO: Who now rakes on more salary and benfits since the company is doing twice as good off-shore in China or India than in the U.S. where Joe had a good job, paid his taxes and tried to live the American good life - and if any taxes were to be cut, he'd reap that benefit too.
* So, tell me: Who gets the shaft and who gets the mine?
* The priority in tough and harsh economic times is JOBS and people working (and yes, even paying some taxes) then TAXES CAN be cut and no impact is felt ...
* and thus: spending by those in government who write the God-awful tax laws will be forced to reduce spending...
In the end it is the spending.
Next week: Representative Hoffman, thats who.
OK Dan, let me see if I follow. The best course of action is to raise taxes in order to cut them later?
"It's nice that Owens got to vote on the Health Care Bill, We've been Pelosied." And do you know who you can thank for that?// None other than Mike Long and his toady, Liar Doug Hoffman. If you bungholes had let the Republican take the seat as she would have, Pelosi would have had one less vote. You teabaggers are just toooo smart.
I am a proud Teabagger, so your name calling is irrelevant to me. Dede/Owens same same. By the way election aint over yet.
Oh, and thanks for being so concerned about a seat that we will win with a real conservative in 2010, hands down, thanks to Dede. Hope it is Hoffmans reelection.
7:43 PM
Jesus your a wise one? One phone call from washington and the repub turned into a dem.They would have steamrolled her for the healthcare vote.And if you want to get to the truth of the matter,Owens yay vote was not legal sworn in or not because he was not certified.Pelosi should be slapped for this shit.But I guess it's ok in a obama world.Rules don't really apply. I remember the squealing like a pig when bush took the reins before gorlick could fudge the numbers enough.HAHA it would be hilarious if hoffman pulled it off.But I'm sure acorn had time to take care of the problem. Hoffman should force a total recount in his districts like al frankin and gore did, hey it works for the demons.
Last I checked she was still a Republican. And would have voted against Pelosi if given the opportunity. You tea people need to get past ACORN, birth certificates, 9/12 and all that crap, and focus in like a laser beam on the one important issue: Out of control spending at both the state and federal levels. Your sideshows on abortion and gay marriage and stupid namecalling do nothing but make you look like fringe elements to most of the electorate, resulting in your frequent losses at the polls in general elections. Just a little constructive criticism. Fix the fiscal problems first, never mind about the social ones.
Tong 7:29 - when I say "raise taxes" I do NOT mean "hike or increase or add new ones."
I mean "raise" the old fashioned way: from people who are working and pay taxes ... then in good times, government cut taxes and that is the best way to return a benefit to the people in good faith and that is done by cutting government spending...
Pretty simple math.
This post should forever rule out Palin as viable for any higher office... ever.
Palin-Beck 2012
Bring 'em on... wipe out time (50 state sweep...
Hoffman obviously won. He entered the race to force Dede. Dede quit and being observant enough to realize the one person who cost her the race was Hoffman, she endorsed Owens. Does that mean Hoffman loses. NO. The stated goal was to get Dede. At the beginning of the race they expected a third place finish with Owens winning. they made a bigger splash and point then they ever expected.
5:35 PM
Palin/Beck would be alot better than the freak show taking place in dc today. The two have more common sense than all 450+ talking heads in washington. Heck Beck even has a best selling book on common sense, Go figure
And you're pretty simple too Denny. Your government, once it gets control of any portion of the economy through taxes, fees etc., almost never gives up that control. So much for that "good faith" crap you're spewing tonight. The only way to cut fat is go on a diet. The government you love so much, and will be so good to you and yours for the rest of your life, will never, and has never cut spending. What are you Dannie, smoking medical marijuana? If you are I'm sure we paid for it.
I am so sick of hearing about Hoffman. When will he just go away. He is a loser and he is making it worse. If he ends up on the ballot in 2010 we will likely have a democrat in office for another 2 year. Enough already. Let's get someone with a clue on the ballot next year. Someone who isn't too extreme in either direction (not too conservative and not too liberal). Hoffman is coming off as a stupid, crazy person...I think we have enough of those in congress already.
Hey 7:27, Not to extreme?? another words status quo??
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