Trump Pardons Nearly All Involved in Jan. 6 Attack
45 minutes ago
"A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is big enough to take away everything you have"
Thomas Jefferson
Simply, the Kennedy clan is no priestly caste, serving as the conscience of the nation, and its progeny do not deserve eternal deference.Most pundits to the right of political center make similar arguments. But there is one glaring exception - columnist Kathleen Parker. Parker has already earned herself a reputation as a Palin-obsessed Christophobe, and even her friends have had enough of it. Her latest column argues that it’s no big deal to hand Caroline a Senate seat because the Kennedy heir would just be one among one hundred in the chambers and therefore couldn’t do that much damage. Palin, on the other hand, gasps Parker, wanted to be just a heartbeat away from having her finger on the button labeled “nuclear holocaust.” It never occurs to the caustic columnist that Sarah Palin has a deep and abiding respect for life and would be one of the last persons on the face of the earth to casually bring an end to so many lives on the scale demanded by global thermonuclear war.
Now, I know the comparison between Palin and Caroline Kennedy is not perfect. Each has strengths where the other has weaknesses, and the jobs of senator and vice president aren’t identical (the former actually has more responsibility, for starters).
But the comparison is nonetheless revealing. Palin’s selection triggered troughs of bile, vomited up from nearly every respectable liberal quarter. A Florida congressman, and Obama surrogate, insinuated that Palin was a “Nazi sympathizer” and anti-Semite (she’s not, but Caroline Kennedy’s grandfather was). Her by-the-bootstraps story was ridiculed by nearly every ex-debutante newsreader and avowed “feminist” in America.
Meanwhile, Caroline, with a resume perfectly suited to being a Kennedy and little else, is a Cinderella who deserves a Senate seat because, well, she just does.
Whatever Palin’s faults, Sarah Barracuda’s America has a lot more going for it than Sweet Caroline’s.
Palin’s demonstrated lack of basic knowledge, her intellectual incuriosity, her inability to articulate ideas or even simple thoughts all combined to create an impression of not-quite-there.Even Stevie Wonder could spot the talking point memes in this paragraph, memes which the anti-Palin elites have been spouting for months. Let’s take a look at them.
Now by “smart,” I don’t refer to a person who is wily or calculating or nimble in the way of certain talented athletes who we admire but suspect don’t really have serious brains in their skulls. I mean, instead, a mind that is thoughtful, curious, with a discernable pattern of associative thinking and insight. Palin asks questions, and probes linkages and logic that bring to mind a quirky law professor I once had. Palin is more than a “quick study”; I’d heard rumors around the campaign of her photographic memory and, frankly, I watched it in action. She sees. She processes. She questions, and only then, she acts. What is often called her “confidence” is actually a rarity in national politics: I saw a woman who knows exactly who she is.Finally, Parker drags up the “inability to articulate ideas or even simple thoughts” meme that is a popular weapon among the elites to fire at Palin. Had Parker and her Palin-bashing fellow elites bothered to watch the interview of Gov. Palin conducted by CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo, they would have witnessed the object of their venom ably and effectively articulating ideas on energy independence, jobs, conservation and other issues. Her appearance on Charlie Rose with Gov. Janet Napalitano (as well as a few minutes with her solo in the green room) again showed Palin to be able to discuss ideas effectively without benefit of teleprompters, written notes or coaching. Palin’s performance in the vice presidential debate has been praised by Frank Luntz’s focus group, a host of bloggers and pundits such as’s Roger Simon:
Sarah Palin was supposed to fall off the stage at her vice presidential debate Thursday evening. Instead, she ended up dominating it.Steven Keller, Director of the George Washington University Debate Team and an Assistant Professor of Media and Public Affairs at GWU, said:
She not only kept Joe Biden on the defensive for much of the debate, she not only repeatedly attacked Barack Obama, but she looked like she was enjoying herself while doing it.
“I thought Sarah Palin hit a grand slam to right field. It was an excellent debate. Joe Biden did a fine job, but Sarah Palin exceeded expectations by a 100 miles with her poise, her self-confidence and her ability to stay even with Joe Biden all the way.”With each new column she produces taking her further around the bend, it’s clear to many, even her friends, that Kathleen Parker is the one who’s “not quite there.”
"In this budget there's a tax on almost everything. Drinking, smoking, driving, food, health care, going to the movies, downloading music, clothes and haircuts. In total, it's billions in regressive taxes - "nuisance taxes" - that don't add up to a sensible approach."If the Working Families Party can possibly think this budget taxes too much, then what does average taxpayer think?
"the late U.S. Sen. Russell Long observed, the default position of most Americans is “don’t tax me, don’t tax thee, tax that fellow behind the tree.”The Working Families Party, who caims most of the credit for flipping the New York State Senate to Democrat control (at least they hope) and was instrumental in both Aubertine victories, wants New York Legislators to pay close attention to their poll.
Smith said -
“We are suspending negotiations, effective immediately, because to do otherwise would reduce our moral standing and the long-term Senate Democratic commitment to reform and to change. We believe that ultimately, we must do what is right for the people of the State of New York. Furthermore, real reform cannot and should not ever include limiting the civil rights of any New Yorkers. Those issues must be part of the legislative process."That latter part of that statement by Smith refers to the deal cut with Diaz to keep the issue of legalizing gay marriage off the agenda. Now after the deal that Smith cut is dead, he wants to spin it out there that he is a civil rights hero.
Paterson's real goal, he said, is to follow in Barack Obama's footsteps and be president of the United States, because: "Once you go black, you don't go back."If a Republican (not even considering the race of the Republican) would have made such a remark, they would be ridden out of town on a train. DD would never had let a remark like that pass with out a comment.
§ 9. A majority of each house shall constitute a quorum to do business. Each house shall determine the rules of its own proceedings, and be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members; shall choose its own officers; and the senate shall choose a temporary
president and the assembly shall choose a speaker.
He always invited me on his Fall boat cruise and I don't think I missed very many over all the years - maybe 1 or 2, and I always visited with him when I was in Albany. I last spoke with him the end of September during Dave Renzi's campaign. We had a nice, long conversation.
I have many photographs and many happy memories. He was a true gentleman, and the true patriarch of the North Country GOP, IMO. There are few like him today.
From a "thank you" note from Bob 10/27/2000:
"Think where man's glory most begins and ends. And say my glory was I had such friends"
Wm. Yeats
Rest in peace, my friend. (Written by Mike Gillette)
I knew Bob Nortz quite well - but from the opposite political aisle.
Many times I was around him and others when "candidates or incumbents spoke in public."
He always had a joke that warmed up the crowd.
I last met and spoke to Bob and his bride at the NSIL in October when McHugh debated Oot - we spoke for a few minutes and I asked him how he was and he flashed that smile and said, "I'm fine, thanks for asking." He hid his illness quite well -- he'll be missed.
RIP - Bob Nortz.
A friend from the other side of the political who always respected you.
~ dmf (Written by Dan Francis)
I met Mr. Nortz for the first time when I was in my late teens. He took a couple of minutes to talk to a teenage kid about politics and how important it was to belong to a party. That really hit home with me, not so much the politics but the time he gave me. He was a man that would shake your hand and look you in the eyes. The last six months Mr. Nortz was deeply involved in my campaign for State Assembly. He never missed a meeting and always instilled passion and dedication. I had the pleasure of introducing Mr. Nortz at the Jefferson County Annual Dinner at Bonnie Castle in October. He took the podium and stole the show. I will cherish that honor for the rest of my life. It’s not so much that the North Country has lost a great Leader, but the North Country has lost a True Friend……..Farewell Mentor …God bless you and your family.
Bobby Cantwell (Written by Bobby Cantwell)
"We're weeks - maybe months - away from any kind of agreement" on who will lead the state Senate.
"I don't approve of the way Skelos handled himself or Malcolm," the senator continued. "Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, he comes to the table with a lifetime of experience...In this particular case, if he saw the Senate was dysfunctional, then the Assembly could have passed a bill and thrown it at the Senate."
"Waiting for Dean Skelos and Malcolm Smith to strip to the waist and duel on State Street is not the way of governing."