"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have"
Thomas Jefferson

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cort ... Your Pants Are On Fire

The State Senate Democrat operative who was at the center of the negative engagements during Darrel Aubertine's two recent campaigns for state Senate is at it again. Cort Ruddy suffers his share of challenges from distinguishing between right, wrong and misleading, but this one is a dozzie.

Cort Ruddy, a political operative assigned to the office of the Senate Democrats' No. 2, Dave Valesky of Oneida, was quoted defending the lackluster legislative performance of the now Democrat-led Senate.

Ruddy said the reason that Democrats have passed only 1/10th the number of bills ordinarily approved by the Senate by this time of year, is because they won't approve "one-house bills," so called because they have no sponsor in the Assembly and, this, little chance of ever becoming law.

"The Republican Senate was notorious for passing lots of bills that went nowhere and did nothing," said Cort Ruddy. "In the end, the public will judge the new Senate on the quality of legislation, not the quantity."

But one-half of the 14 non-budget bills passed by the Democrat-led Senate over the past eight weeks are just that--one-house bills.

As for quality, Senate Democrat-passed bills, include a measure to name the first Tuesday in July "Senior Citizens Day," and another bill that changes the date that a new law takes effect.

Hardly ground-breaking stuff.


Anonymous said...

Isn't there any requirement that taxpayer-paid spokespersons tell the truth?

Does Sen. Valesky approve of this type of off-the-cuff dissemblance by his paid mouthpiece?

Anonymous said...

Off the cuff. His boss told him to say it.


Anonymous said...

P.R. rule #1 -- "Never lie about facts which can be easily checked."

Anonymous said...

Who cares if he stretches the truth? He's speaking of the Dems, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

Looks like it is PIV who's fibbing. I followed link. Ruddy didn't say it. Spokesperson Austin Shafron did. From the paper: Spokesman Austin Shafran said, Senate Democrats want to pass thoughtful bills that have support in the Assembly and a real shot at being enacted - not one-house bills that languish.

As for facts easily checked. The Senate GOP only 23 bills their first two months -- compared to Dem 17.

Anonymous said...

Grandpa and I are still waiting to fish the Salmon River for free again Mr. Ruddy.

Anonymous said...

The Senate-GOP-23 number is a lie and easily checked. But repeat it often enough ...

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