Update: Dede releases supporters and county chairs to support who they choose!
GOP Candidate for the 23rd Congressional was scheduled to hold a rally at 10 am this morning, but instead she is reportedly going to release her supporters
She cannot officially step out of the race, but it is being said that she will "release her supporters" and it is expected county GOP chairs will encourage people to support Hoffman.
There is a scheduled conference call among the 11 county GOP chairs today and the Hoffman campaign is expected to make a reach out to the chairs to seek their support.
It was an emotional departure for Scozzafava as she thanked her supporters for their hard work and her message was basic - life goes on! Supporters, many who were expecting a rally, were left wondering what just happened.
In a bizarre move after Scozzafava's departure from the room a campaign staffer asked supporters to go door to door and make phones and bewilderment fell on the room. When the campaign worker was asked for whom; the room went silent! It was a move that characterized this campaign.
The real question is how calculating a move this is?
The answer to that question lies in the cross tabs of polling data. What did her base of voters look like, GOP, independents, some Democrats, what issues gravitated them toward her campaign, and where they will go from here? Who will win and will the victory be a result of this decision?
As Drudge would say - still "developing"
Trump Says Putin Is ‘Destroying Russia’
1 hour ago
Good move
she lost my vote the night her husband called the cops that proved she is not the one so good luck dede
Do you ever get sick of backing losers? Barclay, Renzi, Scozzafava...
This was a very courageous and wise move for Mrs. Scozzafava! I highly respect her in her decision!
And, just like Matt Drudge, the headline got changed and was misleading.
People are fed up with career politicians who have had their snouts in the public trough for too damn long, so NO real surprise here. Her candidacy was doomed from day one .We will get a person who IS NOT a CAREER politician whoever wins on Tuesday.
I hope Albany and Washington are listening - -Incumbents better produce REAL reform/change OR THEY ARE NEXT.
We're not all rubes up here and can think for ourselves
Your's and Junky's announcement was crap. She did not shift her support to Hoffman. Get your facts straight. Yup...just like Drudge for sure. Guys like you got our party into this mess.
Hey 11:43
Fred Thompson is an ex Grade B actor, Like REAGAN WHO turned career politician and serial collector of wives
YOU Are the DolT, Idiot :>)) !
Any of her supports should vote for Owens.
This day marks the end and/or the potential rebirth of the GOP... take your choice.
BUT, if you are a lifelong Republican and have moderate or mainstream America views, stay away - keep out ... or bye, bye.
That "big" tent just shrunk by a lot.
Sorry, no more room... oh those seats up front: 8 of 10 rows:
Pretty bleak future for the Grand Old Party, indeed.
Now what? P U N T comes to mind.
Yep, and Newzjunky kept the lie up for at least 20-25 minutes after this blog and two others had clarified that she was endorsing neither candidate. The "z" means it's not news and will always slant towards the highest bidder.
well Dan, NEITHER candidate is a major party member!!! Or a seasoned pol. You shoulda swung the other way.
I was thinking, I know, dangerous thing to do, but everything most people always say they are against and dislike, like:
Big money, big outside money, bigger and bigger outside money, and outside influence (tons of famous endorsements that don't mean anything) are in this "PR race"
Now? A non-DEM, Dem, and a Conservative who doesn't even live in the District and can't put two sentences together without citing Reagan, Bush or Rudy Gee and Fox talking points.
Pretty sad, really - choice: an empty word indeed.
I'm gonna WRITE IN my own name on Tuesday just to cast my vote and say I tried right until the darkest hour of a dark campaign and say I stood for something other than the crappy we're about to see.
— Dan Francis
Dede says it's up the county chairs now...
Dede Video Clip
Newzjunky kept it up because he was too busy being an jerk out in front of the building. Couldn't correct his headline.
Hard lesson - rational argument?
I post, you decide.
"Republicans will derive two lessons from the results of this race. One is that the activist base of the party is becoming increasingly powerful in the one area that had eluded them: candidate selection. Other conservative Republicans may now feel more comfortable if they decide to challenge incumbents in primaries.
"Democrats, believing that Republicans will conservatize-themselves to death demographically, will take this as a positive trend for the long-term.
"The second lesson is that populist, regular guy candidates win in supposedly "moderate" districts.
"The race had become a proxy for debates about the future of the party.
"Since the situation in NY 23 is so unusual, it may be folly to squeeze out more meaning than's already present."
Atlantic Monthly on Dede
Any of her supports should vote for Owens.
BWWWAAAAAAHAAAWAAAA Did I get it right? Not a very nice day for the acorn party to be out in the cemetaries digging up votes yet they still try.Amazing!!!
Now I'm stuck, do I vote for Fred Thompson or Dannie Francis?
If we vote for Owens, we will become just another check on Nancy Pelosi's stretched out face. If we vote Hoffman, the cameras will never leave us. I say lets stay in prime time. Hoffman. Everything he says will be part of Katie Couric's blather. Even the Dannie's Maddow will follow him around, looking for companionship no doubt.
"In today's political arena, you must be able to back up your message with money — and as I've been outspent on both sides, I've been unable to effectively address many of the charges that have been made about my record," Scozzafava said.
* SO, IT IS THE MONEY ... um ... now, who has said that for years, I ponder?
(last laugh heard in the background)
Danny M. Francis (not Dannie) would be an excellent choice in more ways than one.
-- BTW: I know for a fact he has spoken out against Pelosi and Reid and their so called
He does not per se walk the party line and for sure he WOULD NOT walk the plank except for the people...
A WRITE-IN winner would send a powerful message to both parties...
TRY IT - you might be surprised.
/s/ a Friend of Dan's
Final say-so at this point for me.
OWENS - a non-DEM backed by huge, huge amounts of OUTSIDE money.
HOFFMAN - a rabid conservative for those who drink at the trough, who DOES NOT even live in the district and has tons of outside support, too.
Choice... she quit today.
When does the "burto letter" come??
If Mr. Hoffman wins on Tuesday, I hope he sends a dozen roses to Dede, because he wouldn't have been able to do it unless she backed out. She has class, putting the good of the party over her own ambitions. It is evident liar Doug has no class, listening to his statement this morning. What a loser. And what does that say about his supporters. They may win elections, but they are not nearly the "good" Christians they would have you believe.
4:01 -- you forget the #1 message of all time that the Party operatives sing in harmony:
I think it's sad that the opinions of the a former Gov of Alaska, a,former gov.of N.Y.,,a country singer and the Vice President of the U.S. of N.Y. hold more weight in deciding the representation of the 23 district than the opinions of the voters in this district. We haven't voted Yet! What happened to one man one vote. Why is the election based on who has the most money to spend?Let the residents of the 23Rd vote for the representation ,don't let the outside interest buy our vote.
But you know, if he wins, it won't be like REAL win. There will always be an * next to it. (* equals DeDe dropping out) But the Hoffman people are shallow enough where that probably won't bother them. As you say, a win is a win.
NY Times input... hell, why not?
Upstate Republican Abruptly Suspends Race for Congress
"Do you ever get sick of backing losers? Barclay, Renzi, Scozzafava..."
Not me. I am backing a winner. Scott Gray. Wait... he is unopposed.
It is now coming into focus ... you're either "with us or against us." /s/ the HOFFMAN and "New" GOP establishment message...
psst.... moderates are also welcome, too ... just bring plenty of money for the next three Ad buys.
Turn Your Head and Cough or Grab Your Ankles????
4:24, you should have saind a "failed fromer governor of NY" who also happens to be a gun grabbing, big spending rino spouting hypocritical garbage.
how can anyone take pataki seriously? And people want him to run for senate? i mean he gave NYS the highest tax burden in the country. Though i guess he could have done better and given us the highest tax burden in the world.
Just checked my e-mail and saw that Scozzafava suspended her campaign. Let's hope those who were considering her will go for Hoffman. We need a CONSERVATIVE voice not a warmed over RINO. I'm amazed at the number of gutless individuals who will comment here but hide behind anonymous. If your brave enough to say it you should be brave enough to leave your name. Make the RIGHT choice vote for Doug Hoffman. Patrick Hogan
They should have went with Doheny!!!
Every county chair should resign! Their choice was clear, Matt Doheny was their best bet.
No doheny is too nyc. the last thing we need is anyone associated with nyc.
10:59, don't worry patty ritchie will beat aubertine when iv backs her next year!
Alot of you guys are missing the point of the movement.You diehard donkeys and republicans have to get your head out of the sand. Watch this video and tell us you disagree with the teaparty movement. It's long but will hopefully wake you all up.
I'm not against Doheney, but it is almost like a big secret cult. He needs to run for a local office, get people to know him. All I have seen is "Vote for Doheney, he has a lot of money". He may be a very good candidate, but no one knows him. Waaaaiit a minute, I must be wrong because no one knows Owens or Hoffman, and one of those two will win. The one candidate we knew, we threw under the bus. What a stupid electorate we have in the 23rd.
There are too many Arlen Specters in the Republican party who are ruining it. Maybe instead of Dem & Repub, the parties should be Conservative & Liberal. That way we voters will know just where they stand. How DeDe could possibly be construed as a Republican is beyond me. The party does not leave these RINO's, they leave the party. By November 2010, they will really find out just how ticked off the "real folks" really are. GO HOFFMAN!!!
I'm from Illinois
Illinois, you are as simple as they come. I bet you watch a lot of reality TV too.
6:21 ... watch a "tea party" video - I'd rather be dragged naked across the sands of Arizona's cactus desert in 110 degree weather than watch a bunch of nitwit tea-party goofs in a video.
So, there is a choice?
7:40 PM
It's not a teaparty video you dipshit it's the present state of our country and why we are here.What you do with the info is up to you.I realize many are content looking up out of the gutter Waiting for the next handout or program.
It is amazing how so many tea party people call themselves Christian, but they seem to be the most mean spirited people I've ever met. Their mantra seems to be "I've got mine, to hell with you". I think they are mostly 'born againers', you know the type: former drunks/drug users, sexually promiscuous in their youth-middle age ,criminals etc. and now they want to tell the rest of us who have lived normal lives how to live. For Christ's sake, what would Jesus do?
6:38 is right on the money-stupid electorate.
I'll say it again-
6:38 is right on the money-stupid electorate.
And again-
6:38 is right on the money-stupid electorate.
And again-
6:38 is right on the money-stupid electorate.
And again-
6:38 is right on the money-stupid electorate.
Get my drift?
I have to laugh at the "conservatives" in this town, boozing and screwing and divorcing, and there are gays all around here, businesspersons doing recreational drugs,tax evasion, etc; but say the word abortion and we all hit the roof. Too bad abortion is confidential.
8:14- We did attend a tea party and the ending of the Bush tax cut, it will put a real hurt on us financially. We have 4 kids left at home, and need to count every penny to get them raised due to my husbands long illness. I don't want a hand out. I want freedom. I don't want government insurance, we had that in the army. It was not good. We don't have health insurance right now, but soon probably will. We can go to the hospital if we need to. I'd rather be like this than never have the hope of private insurance. We have the best medical care in the world, and I am proud of it. I hope Hoffman wins. We need principled folks like this to fix what's broke for those who need it, not tear down what does work for most.
This area has asked for their native children to come back and end the brain drain. When they do come back they are seen as outsiders?! Wait what high paying success can we get in the North Country these days.... be a teacher or in the military? Seriously you wonder why people from out of the area see us the way they do. Just because they spend a few years getting education whether it is in school or on a job does not all of a sudden make them an outsider.
I agree with the guy who wants to write in Dannie's name. We need more arrogance, meanspiritedness, and profanity in government.
10:12 - you don't know Dan Francis personally, I guess; nor his military, war time, DOD and civilian record -- you would have us believe you know him based on a few nasty posts he makes at this forum that are flung back at people who attack him.
I know him (not well) but I have read his letters and heard his opinions and saw him in campaings -- he his sincere, and I don't always agree with him, but I believe he is honorable, honest, and would serve us well ... he does afterall know the system. I would love to see him in office and if he were not successful, we could have fun kicking him out, too... think of it that way.
11:00, for years, I felt the same way. Then I was called a racist, for no other reason than I belong to the opposition party of Dannie's. Then, rather than back off that comment, he chose to lie about what was said. He then resorted to threats and a series of profanities, directed at people who disagree with him. And this has nothing to do with his political views. His preoccuption with Fox News is comical. His arrogance in thinking he is above others is based on being a government employee for lots of years. That holds no weight with me. His decision to use the Marine emblem as his personal prop to legitimize his sermons is disgusting. All this has changed my view of him. If you are his friend. I'd advise him to come back to the real world with the rest of us. He may be a great guy on a personal level, but his in not a man I would want representing me on any professional level. I will not be writing in Dan's name for any office. Too bad, because for a long, long time I defended the man for having a mind of his own. Things changed. He changed them.
12L19 -- he has not changed... you and your view have.
Why don't you invite him out for coffe sometime and chit chat? Then you'll see a whole person... not a forum poster who likes to take jabs at those who throw jabs.
"If you can't take a jab or any sort, don't throw any..."
Hey friend of Dannie, I didn't lead the way on this stuff. I never called anyone racist. I never addressed your friend with profanity. I never threatened him. And you describe this behaviour as taking "jabs?" Now you think the next step is for me to invite this guy to a peace meeting? He was given numerous chances to back up on his statements, but chose to up the anger level, usually accompanied by threats and additional profanity. And you think this is a guy that belongs in public office? Arrogance, anger issues, and an ego that knows no bounds. That's all I see. I'm glad you're his friend. Someone like this needs as many as he can get. In the past, I backed Dannie many many times, as I respected what I viewed as independent thinking. I was mistaken.
Good luck all you people planning for write-ins on the new electronic voting machines!
amy 6:23... the bottom of these new ballots is blank and a WRITE IN can be placed there (but must use the special pen) ... please stay awake in class.
Easy Dan, many of us might not have thought of this option with the new machines.
At least ya didn't start slingin' profanity at her.
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