It is never ending from Senator Aubertine's office, just when you think you have heard it all, Aubertine and spokesperson Drew Mangione pull another rabbit out of their...hat and prove they do not understand their job!
It is just one faux pas after another, followed by spokesperson Drew Mangione offering one lame excuse after another. Drew, as a reporter used to cut through the very same rhetoric that he is now regurgitating.
The Senate passed a bill
S8628, which amends the real property tax law specifically regarding Empire Zones to limit their designations strictly to commercial, business or industrial activity, thus excluded housing.
The legislation, which passed with the support of Senator Darrel Aubertine, is waiting for the Governor to sign it into law or veto it. The legislation has received more than it's fair share of local opposition, including
Mayor Jeff Graham's letter, to the Governor, which was featured on
Newzjunky this week, in the letter Graham states
"our economic development efforts will be severely hampered."
An article in yesterday's
Watertown Daily Times titled "Paterson urged to veto Empire Zone change" several more opponents including; Watertown City Manager Mary Corrvieau, City Council member Peter Clough, and officials from the town and village of Potsdam as well as others across the North Country came out against the pending legislation as "crippling major efforts to provide affordable housing and economic revitalization throughout the state."
Darrel Aubertine who ran as Mr. Reformer of the Empire Zone during the special election and stated how he understood the legislation then, but, what he failed to understand is how the reformed legislation which has been debated for some time would negatively effect his district's effort to provide affordable housing.
Faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings on a single, no...not Superman, it is Drew Mangione, spokesperson for Darrel Aubertine in an attempt once again to rescue him from a bad vote, when in fact he just caused more foot in mouth disease.
Drew's excuses this time around!
Darrel voted for the bill hoping someone would slip it in the shredder on the way to the Governor's office. Drew was quoted as saying.
"It has not been delivered to the Governor, and we are optimistic it will never be."
Uh Drew, you should know better and Aubertine, as a legislator for 5.5 years, should definitely have known it is unconstitutional to have a bill passed by both houses and
not delivered to the Governor.
IT HAS TO - the Governor then either signs it into law or vetoes it. Drew would have been better off using the shredder comment, it is far more intellectual.
There is more, it did not stop there.
Another Drewism or Darrelism, the famous red herring,
"The intent of the bill was to stop taxpayer dollars from subsidizing high end housing in places like Long Island," that is strange, a quick check yesterday found there are no residential projects within Empire Zones in Long Island!
This is a bad vote by Darrel Aubertine, and yes by Assembly member Scozzafava also, but at least she recognized her bad vote in the paper. The ventriloquist act of D & D - Darrel and Drew, just continue their head spinning rhetoric in an attempt to cover up one "misunderstanding" after another.
So for this week's screw up there is weekend homework and recommended viewing for Darrel and Drew. This short video from Senator Hugh Farley's site on how a bill becomes law is mandatory so next week you will know how to do your job.
Watch it here.