"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have"
Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Aubertine's Reformed House - Editorial: "Dump Sheldon Silver"

This is one of the questions referred to in an earlier post as "missed" the other night in the Senate debate. It was missed on purpose, because Darrel Aubertine for 5 years supported Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver.

The gentleman in the audience at the debate was talking about reform and asking the candidates to specifically define their idea of reform with regard to leadership and would they support rotating the leadership positions in each house. That is a topic this blog wholeheartedly endorses and thinks it goes a long way toward reforming Albany.

The Daily News is calling on voters to "Dump Sheldon Silver" on Tuesday. Here are some excerpts from the article.
After 32 years in his seat, including 14 years as the Assembly's maximum leader, Silver embodies the insider's game that has captured the state Legislature, to the detriment of 19 million New Yorkers.
Silver's constituents would serve the cause of open, responsive government - and rock Albany to its foundations - by pulling the lever in Tuesday's Democratic primary for challenger Paul Newell.
Such a vote could mark the start of a revolution. For dumping Silver would send the unmistakable message that the people of this state want a responsible, deliberative Legislature rather than a boss-run fiefdom.
Only now is he being called to answer for so lowering the Legislature that it was properly branded the worst in the nation.
What happens in the Assembly is a charade. Individual lawmakers are all but irrelevant. They have surrendered their authority to Silver, who rewards loyalists with added pay and pork-barrel grants for their districts. (While dispensing a gargantuan $2 million a year to his own pet causes.)
Aubertine completely missed the question on leadership, most likely because he would have dimmed his record to the questioner as a reformer if he told the truth. As an Assemblyman, Aubertine for 5 years always supported Speaker Sheldon Silver and what the Daily News refers to as a charade. It is also unlikely Aubertine will break ranks in the Senate and vote against Malcolm Smith, for minority or majority leader, whose agenda is not even close to Northern and Central New York's agenda.

Senator Aubertine claimed at one point (as pointed out in the other post about the debate) that reform is one of the things he championed while in the Assembly. After you read the Daily News editorial try to tell someone with a straight face that house is reformed

Aubertine made a big point during reform talk about voting in the Senate and that all Senators had to do was register in the chamber and their votes were counted as "yea" on each measure. Well this is the Daily News on the Assembly voting while Aubertine was there for 5 years;
The rank-and-file do what they are told - to the point that until recently, they were counted as automatically voting yes even though they were not present in the chamber.
The Assembly that Aubertine participated in for 5 years is far more egregious in their operations than the Senate.

Aubertine said his philosophy “is about people and not politics. It always has been and always will be.” He is being disingenuous with the voters, if it is about the people would not have supported Sheldon Silver for 5 years.


HQ said...

May I cut and paste you:

The rank-and-file do what they are told - to the point that until recently, they were counted as automatically voting yes even though they were not present in the chamber.

Since they are not now counted as voting yes when they aren't there would that not be considered 'reform'?

Anonymous said...

Dirty Darrel and his wind turbine contracts while sitting on the Assembly Energy Committee...that's real reform all right.

Anonymous said...

Darrel mentioned in seat voting as a key reform and if you look at his record, Darrel bucked the majority on a number of issues--conservative issues that DeDe voted with the majority on.

The Senate needs an actual voting process, rather than having the majority just say what's non controversial and therefore something everyone votes yes on just by walking through the door.

The Senate is further behind the Assembly in reform, but since you like the Republicans you're blind to it. Both Silver and Skelos have to go.

Anonymous said...

Darrel's revisionism on his record may only be surpassed by his lack of understanding of the legislative process -- that is, the way bills become laws.

We know Darrel doesn't know how to get a billpassed in the Senate, but does he also not know how votes are cast?

Darrel stated in the debate that you can walk through the Senate and be counted as voting on every bill "for the entire day."

That's crap. The Senate votes by voice on every bill that is considered "controversial."

In order to be added to that list, any member simply asks that a bill be "layed aside" for debate.

Oh, right, that would require Darrel actually standing up and saying SOMETHING!

Anonymous said...

One piece of legislation is hardly reform and by reading the Daily News editorial they concur.

So boy wonder, Mr Aubertine is not a reformer or even close.

Anonymous said...

One piece of legislation is hardly reform and by reading the Daily News editorial they concur.

So boy wonder, Mr Aubertine is not a reformer or even close.

Anonymous said...

I see that Mrs. Walker took on Darrels conflicts of interest in the Paper today. HMMMMMM

Pay attention, Darrel is finally being called for his lapses in judgement. Its about time.

Anonymous said...

Aubertine, Aubertine, Aubertine. You are obsessed with trashing a good man.

Take a minute and ask yourself how can anyone trust Renzi when his law firm was caught in the state pension scam? And imagine what you would be saying if it was Aubertine who was involved in that scandal.

Anonymous said...

Pay Attention? So Renzi is making people send in letters to the editor on a charge that was looked at and shown to be unfounded in the last election. Renzi's negative campaign -- after saying he would be positive -- is just sickening.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't unfounded. Neither was the hiring of his sister unfounded.

I am always amazed at how Darrel's supporters defend him for his ethical lapses

Anonymous said...

Let me see Anon 7:56pm. Isn't the pension system run by DiNapoli, and before him the crook Hevesi. Neither DiNapoli or Hevesi had problems with it, Cuomo did!

Dinapoli has let it go on, shouldn't he be questioned?

Anonymous said...

Hey anon 9:23. That sure sounds like an excuse, blaming the Democratic Comptroller for the Renzi lawfirm's involvement in a penison scandal.

Anonymous said...

Let's just all agree that Darrel's supporters should not talk about Dave's involvement in the pension scandal, or other rumors about Renzi. And Renzi's people should lay off the trumped up charges about wind energy. They should talk about the issues.

Anonymous said...

Often on this blog, Darryl is attacked for a conflict of interest in the Wind development issue. Perhaps Renzi and Cantwell should take a stand and make this part of their campaign. Go ahead boys, I dare ya!
They don't have the guts to touch the windmill issue. There are also Republicans in this area who serve on Town Boards and zoning boards which have the same conflict.

Anonymous said...

To Mrs Walker and all of the other NIMBYS, if you dont want windmills in this beautiful area, why dont you buy the landowners wind rights? Trust me the landowners and evil farm owners who already get to much subisidies would be glad to sell them to you. Same as they would the wind company. Mrs Walker, instead of complaining about people trying to LEGALLY make a profit on the land that THEY own, why dont you step up to the plate and buy the wind rights, the same as the Wind Companies have. If you arent willing to do that, shut up.

Anonymous said...

wow calling people nimbys thats tough talk what are you about 6 years old

Anonymous said...

Soo, if I have this strait: You are saying that we can elect a representative from OUR Senate District that will GO TO ALBANY and TELL ALL THE OTHER SENATORS how THEY must behave and conduct VOTES in the Senate.

Can this guy stop global warming, and coach Orange football, too?

Too funny.

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